Running the Titan Degree Audit (Students)

This article covers how students can run their Titan Degree Audit (TDA).

1. Click on the Titan Degree Audit & Planner icon in the Titan Online widget in the portal.

For detailed instructions, view Accessing the Titan Degree Audit.

2. By default, your active degree program will be selected (either undergraduate or graduate/post-baccalaureate). If you are active in both undergraduate and graduate programs, you can switch between the two.

View information on switching between undergraduate and graduate programs on the TDA

1. To switch from undergraduate TDAs to graduate TDAs (or vice versa), click on the Settings menu and choose Select Career.

select different career
  1. Click on the Settings gear icon at the top right.
  2. Then choose Select Career.

2. Select either Undergraduate or Graduate/PBAC. Then click Continue.

select career

3. Select the program (major) for the Titan Degree Audit.

I want to run the TDA for my current major

3.1. The default setting for the Titan Degree Audit is your current major, which should show under the Run Current Programs section. If the major that is showing in this section is correct, move on to step 3.

Request Audit for current major
I want to run the TDA for another major and/or with an added minor/certificate ("What if" Major)

A "what if" major allows you to see what your Titan Degree Audit would look like if you switched majors and/or added a minor/certificate.

3.1. Click Select a Different What-if Program.

Request audit for what if major

3.2. Select a Career, Program, and Catalog Year for your "what if" major.

If you want to just run the "what if" TDA with an added minor or certificate, enter your current major in the Program field.

Under the Degree drop-down menu the word Refreshing appears indicating that the system is processing the selection

Note that undergraduate students are able to run a "what if" major for graduate/post-baccalaureate degree programs when considering applying to a graduate/post-baccalaureate program.

  1. Select a Career. Options include Undergraduate or Graduate/PBAC.
  2. Select a Program from the list of available majors and major concentrations (e.g., Sociology BA or Sociology BA with a concentration in Social Work).
  3. Select your Catalog Year.

3.3. The system will refresh to show your selections. You can clear your selections, add a minor, or add a certificate. Once you are ready to continue, move on to the advanced options in the next step.

options selected
  1. Click Clear Selections to make a change to your career, program, or catalog year.
  2. Click Minor to add a minor to your "what if" TDA.
  3. Click Certificate to add a certificate to your "what if" TDA.

4. Click on Click to view available options to see your Advanced Settings options.

advanced settings

5. If you are using Titan Degree Planner to plan your courses, place a checkmark next to Show Planned Courses to have your planned courses added to the Titan Degree Audit.

show planned courses

6. Click Run Current Programs (for current major TDA) or Run Different Program (for "what if" TDA).

Options section with Run Audit button highlighted

7. Stay on the page for a few minutes while the process runs.

You do not need to refresh the browser or click the Update button while the process is running.

TDA processing screen

8. Once the audit has posted, you will see both a PDF and HTML version of your TDA. Click View Audit to view your audit.

Don't see the PDF yet? Try hitting the refresh button on your browser.

completed audit requests

9. Review the TDA by scrolling down the screen.

Main TDA screen

To learn more about how to interpret the information on your TDA, view the How to Interpret TDA article.

9.1. If you select the HTML format, you can click on Close All Sections.

Closing all of the sections will make it easier to see which section(s) are unfulfilled and identify which course(s) you still need to take.

HTML TDA body with Close All Sections link highlighted

9.2. Click on the > (carat) next to any section to expand it.

HTML TDA with highlight showing the > icon used to expand a section

9.3. Click on a course ID to view more about the course.

courses that meet a requirement

For missing requirements, the eligible courses that meet the requirement will show and you can click on a course ID for more information.

9.4. If you selected PDF as the format, scroll down to view/download the PDF version.

TDA PDF with download options highlighted
  1. Click Download PDF Audit.
  2. Or use the Adobe tools in the PDF preview to download or print the TDA.

10. To exit, click on the settings gear icon and then select Log Out.

log out using Settings menu
  1. Click on the settings gear icon at the top right.
  2. Select Log Out.

Need More Help?

To learn more about how to interpret the information on your TDA, view the How to Interpret TDA article.

Contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888 for additional assistance.


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