International Travel Expense Report

These instructions will cover how to create and submit International Travel Expense Reports.

Click on any of the links below to skip ahead to that section.

If you need assistance with logging into Concur, please go to Logging into Concur.

Accessing International Travel Expense Report

These instructions will include how to access your International Expense Report, create an Itinerary and add expenses.

Step 1: When you are logged into Concur, click on Requests to see your travel requests.

Select the requests tab

Step 2: Once your page refreshes, go to View and click on All Requests.

Under View, select All Requests.

Step 3: Click on the correct request.

For this example, we will be working with “Jan 2018 Belgium” Travel Request.

Select Jan 2018 Belgium Travel Request

Step 4: When the page refreshes, click on the Create Expense Report button.

Click on the orange Create Expense Report

Step 5: Your page will refresh, and you will see that your expense report was created and you will see an Alerts drop down.

There are multiple required and optional fields displayed.

Confirm that auto-populated information is accurate and fill in additional information.

Step 6: Click on the Report Details dropdown and select Report Header.

Click on Report Details and select Report Header.

Step 7: Update the required fields that have a red asterisk.

Update the fields that have a red asterisk.

Step 8: Once information is inputted, click on the Save button.

Click on the save button after you update the report header.

New Itinerary

The itinerary needs to include every leg of your trip during your travel dates. This can include flight, train, car, etc. If you traveled to different cities and stayed overnight, you will need to include this information.

Step 1: Click on Travel Allowance, and then select Manage Travel Allowance.

Select Manage Travel Allowance

Step 2: Your page will refresh, and you will be directed to the Travel Allowances For Report page.

You will be able to see if your itinerary exist or if you need to create a new itinerary.

Travel Allowance Page where you can add New Itinerary and Available Itinerary.

Step 3: If you select Create New Itinerary, you will be prompted to fill out the required fields.

Highlighted box indicating required fields that need to be filled.

Step 4: Input the following required information:

  • Departure City
  • Date
  • Time
  • Arrival City
  • Date
  • Time
New Itinerary stop field. There are multiple required fields.

Step 5: Click the Save button when done.

Save button is selected, and there is a green arrow pointing towards it.

Step 6: Once you click Save, your transportation information will be listed.

The departure city, arrival city and arrival rate location are displayed.

Step 7: Next, repeat the steps for all legs of your trip.

New Itinerary Stop window.

Step 8: Click the Save button when done.

Click the Save button

Step 9: You will see the stops you have entered.

Select Itinerary info window

Step 10: Click Next to continue.

The next button is selected, and there is a green arrow pointing towards it.

Travel Allowances

Once you have inputted the amount of legs on your trip, follow the following instructions to complete your expense report.

Step 1: The page will refresh to the Travel Allowances For Report page.

Indicate the meals that were provided during your trip under the Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner tabs by selecting the appropriate check boxes.

Travel Allowances for Report window

Remove meals if you were not in the country during that time.

Step 2: If you are not claiming the Per Diem amount for meals and will be claiming actuals, you will need to select all meals as being provided.

The breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided fields are displayed

You cannot claim meals over the Per Diem Rate.

Step 3: Once you have notated all the meals and lodging, click on Create Expenses.

Create Expenses button is selected

Step 4: Upload a copy of the Foreign Per Diem Rates from U.S. Department of State to your expense report, if only actuals were claimed.

Foreign per diem rates in us dollars fields are displayed

See checklist for more information.

Step 5: Your page will refresh to show your expenses have been automatically created.

Jan 2018 brussels belgium expenses have been inputted

Step 6: If you are not claiming the Per Diem amount for lodging, please select the check boxes listed next to the International Daily Allowance (Lodging) expenses.

Green highlight showing International Daily Allowance (Lodging) expenses.

Step 7: Then click on the Delete button.

Green highlight showing Delete button being selected.

Step 8: To go back and edit the International Daily Allowance for Meals & Incidentals, select Travel Allowance, then go to Manage Travel Allowance.

Go to Report Details and select Manage Travel Allowance.

Step 9: Click on the Expenses & Adjustments tab

International daily allowance expense field.

Step 10: The Travel Allowances for Report window will display and you can make appropriate adjustments.

Travel Allowances for report window.

Step 11: Click Update Expenses when done.

Update Expenses button is selected

Step 12: Continue to add in all other expenses.

JAN 2018 brussels, belgium expense report

See Travel Expense Report for further instructions.

International Travel Expense Report Checklist

If you would like to use a checklist, click on International Travel Expense Report Checklist

Need more help?

Contact Concur Support at [email protected] or at 657-278-3600.