CampusGuard Portal Navigation

These instructions cover how to navigate through the CampusGuard Portal.

CampusGuard Central Dashboard

Step 1: After you log in, you will see the CampusGuard Central Dashboard.

The CampusGuard Central Dashboard will display after users sign in.

Step 2: From the dashboard, you will only have access to the PCI tile. Click on the PCI tile.

 Click on the PCI tile

Step 3: From there, you will see Active SAQs and Completed SAQs.

California State University, Fullerton Dashboard will display

Active SAQs

Step 1: Under Active SAQs, you will see dashboards for the departments you are responsible for, Merchant ID, Progress Status, and Due Date.

  1. View Merchant Dashboard - Displays the SAQs that employees are required to complete for their departments.
  2. Merchant ID - Unique ID for each SAQ.
  3. Edit / Update SAQ - Allows employees to work on their SAQ.
  4. Year - When the SAQ was created.
  5. Version - Latest version of the SAQ.
  6. Progress - Status of where employees are at with completing the SAQ.
  7. Due Date - The date of when the SAQ is due.
Active SAQs window

Completed SAQs

Step 1: Under Completed SAQs, you will see dashboards for the departments that you completed, Merchant ID, and View SAQ Draft.

  1. View Merchant Dashboard - Displays the completed SAQs.
  2. Merchant ID - Unique ID for each SAQ.
  3. View SAQ Draft - Allows employees to print out the completed SAQs.
Completed SAQs window

This concludes the instructions for navigating in the CampusGuard Portal. You can proceed to any of the guides to learn more about how to  access and complete questionnaires.