IT Knowledge BaseGeneral TopicsSoftware GuidesEverbridgeCreating, Updating, and Closing an Incident in Everbridge

Creating, Updating, and Closing an Incident in Everbridge

This article covers how authorized campus users can create, update, and close incidents in Everbridge.

To get authorized for Everbridge, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] with your name, department, and purpose for using Everbridge.

1. Log in to Everbridge.

everbridge login URL

Open a web browser to the Everbridge login page. Then sign in with your Everbridge username and password.

View Accessing Everbridge for more detailed instructions on logging in.

Create an incident

View detailed instructions on creating an incident

1. Select the Incidents menu and choose New Incident.

If you have templates created, you can click Templates to select one.

incidents menu

2. Choose the scenario or individual incident from the menu on the left.

select incident type

3. Each incident type will have different fields to be filled out. Fill out the required fields. Then click Next.

Note that Exercise Mode will allow you to send a notification with "Drill" added to the beginning of the incident notification.

incident required fields

4. Scroll down to review the settings for the incident notification. You cannot make any changes to these settings. Choose to send it now or schedule it. Then click Send.


5. You will be taken to the Incident Details screen where you can track the notifications and incident details. Click Refresh to update the results or enable Auto Refresh to automatically update them. You can also leave this screen and return to it later.

incident details

Update an incident

View detailed instructions on updating an incident

1. Select the Incidents menu and choose Open/History.

incidents menu

2. Locate the incident you want to update. Click on Actions, and choose the Send Update.

If you are already on the Incident Detail screen, click Send Update.

send update
  1. Locate the incident and click Actions.
  2. Choose Send Update.

3. If applicable, fill out any required fields for the updated incident notification. Then click Send.

send update notification

4. You will be taken to the Incident Details screen where you can track the notifications and incident details. Click Refresh to update the results or enable Auto Refresh to automatically update them. You can also leave this screen and return to it later.

incident details with update

Close an incident

View detailed instructions on closing an incident

1. Select the Incidents menu and choose Open/History.

incidents menu

2. Locate the incident you want to update. Click on Actions, and choose either Close - send notification or Close - without a notification.

If you are already on the Incident Detail screen, click Close and then choose Send a notification or Without a notification.

close incident
  1. Locate the incident and click Actions.
  2. Choose Close - send notification or Close - without a notification.

3. Click Yes to confirm you want to close the incident.

confirm close

4. If you chose to send a notification, fill out the required fields for the incident notification. Then click Next.

incident close notification

5. Review the details of the incident notification. Then click Send.

send close notification

Need More Help?

Faculty and staff can contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.