Password Change Help & Support
This article covers help and support information for changing your campus password.
Be aware: Your campus password can not be changed through the Outlook web app (OWA).
When do I have to change my password?
View the Password Policy website for more information on when specific user types (e.g., faculty, staff, emeriti) are required to change their password.
What are the password requirements?
The password requirements are:
+ Should be between 12 and 20 characters
+ Contain three of the following:
- a lower case letter ( a b c d ...)
- an upper case letter ( A B C D ...)
- number (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )
- a special character ( ! @ # $ % & * - _ + , . )
+ No part of your name can be used
+ You cannot use your last 24 campus passwords
Need help with figuring out a password? View Password Requirements Troubleshooting.
How do I update my mobile device passwords?
How do I update my password on my laptop?
How do I find which devices I have connected to my mail?
If you connected a mobile device using ActiveSync (which most newer mobile devices use), you can view Reviewing Mobile Devices Connected to Your Email Account.
How do I find out which devices I have connected to the campus wi-fi?
Contact the IT Help Desk at or 657-278-7777 to find out which devices that our network indicates have connected to it.
NOTE: It may not be possible to see all devices that you have ever connected to the network, especially if the device has not connected for a long time.
Need More Help?
View the Password Policy website.
Contact the IT Help Desk at or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.