Titan Training Hub (TTH) - ASC

This guide is for ASC Employees who have Overdue or Expired training that they have not completed. 

This guide provides resources to assist you in accessing your training and re-activating your Time Clock access (if it was inactivated).

Please note that the Titan Training Hub is in the process of renaming from the Employee Training Center. All instructions and guides referencing ETC are valid, the name in the guide has just not been updated yet. 

Logging on to the Titan Training Hub (TTH) 
How to See Required or Assigned Trainings
Time Clock Access

If your Time Clock access was locked due to outstanding Overdue training, you will need to have completed all outstanding training to have access reinstated. 

Upon completing all outstanding training, email Stephen Weissbart in ASC HR a screen shot of your Assigned Learning status page (as shown below) to be re-activated. 

No assignment example screen

The overdue activity should show “0” which is an indication that all training was successfully completed.

ASC Requirements

Complete  any  assigned  learning  before  the  due  date  to  avoid  non-compliance and suspension of your Time Clock access. 

Arrows pointing to due date

Training is paid and once you complete your training, you must email your supervisor to adjust/add the hours you spent on the training.

Need More Help?

  • For any questions regarding your Time Clock access, please contact ASC HR:
  • For any help with the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH) formerly the Employee Training Center (ETC):