Connecting, Modifying, or Removing Your Multimedia Device from CSUF-Multimedia
This article covers how CSUF students and faculty in residence in campus housing can connect their multimedia devices (including gaming systems) to the CSUF-Multimedia wireless network as well as how to modify or remove any devices they previously connected.
1. Open a web browser to the CSUF Wireless Multimedia Device Registration page.
2. If prompted, enter your campus username and password. Then click Login.

3. What do you want to do?
1. Choose Adding a new device.

2. Enter your building and room number.

3. Choose the manufacturer and model of your device.
Don't see your device listed? Choose Other and then enter the manufacturer and model of your device.

4. Enter the MAC address of your device. Then click Submit.
Click How to obtain your multimedia device's MAC address to find instructions on how to find your device's MAC address.
- Enter the MAC address of your device.
- Then click Submit.
6. Your request is submitted! You'll get an email confirming the request.

7. Within 3 business days, you will get an email once the request is complete with additional setup instructions.
Note that you will need to re-authorize the device after this registration expires in one year.

You will now be able to connect your device to the CSUF-Multimedia wireless network using the provided password.
You may get an additional email indicating that your request was closed as complete.
1. Choose Modifying an existing device.

2. Click on the magnifying glass button to view your existing devices.

3. Select the device that you want to modify.
Note that devices do not show up in this list until the device registration request is completed by campus IT.

4. Select No if you are just modifying the device information.

7. Your request is submitted! You'll get an email confirming the request and another email within about three business days when the request is completed.

1. Choose Modifying an existing device.

2. Click on the magnifying glass button to view your existing devices.

3. Select the device that you want to remove.
Note that devices do not show up in this list until the device registration request is completed by campus IT.

4. Select Yes to remove this device. Then click Submit.
- Select Yes in the Remove this registered device menu.
- Then click Submit.
6. Your request is submitted! You'll get an email confirming the request and another email within about three business days when the request is completed.

Need More Help?
Faculty/Staff - contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
Students - contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.