Enrolling in an Assigned PeopleSoft or IT Training Class

This guide covers how CSUF faculty, staff, and student assistants can access assigned ERP/PeopleSoft/CMS/IT courses in the Titan Training Hub and enroll in the classes.

There are two ways to access the training: using the direct links that are provided to you in the email from IT Service Desk or logging into the Titan Training Hub and viewing your plan.

It is recommended that you use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox with the Titan Training Hub for the best user experience.

As of August 2024, the Employee Training Center has been renamed to the Titan Training Hub. All functionality and instructions remain the same.

I want to view a list of all of my required training

View all of your assigned classes in the Titan Training Hub

You may view all of your assigned training courses and enroll in them by logging into the Titan Training Hub.

2. Click on Assigned Learning to view all courses that have been assigned to you.

TTH homepage

3. All of the courses that you have been assigned will show up.

Assigned learning screen

Online Classes

View instructions on watching an online training

1. Click Start in the course information box to launch the online course.

Some courses may have a Register button instead of a Start button. If the class requires registration, skip to Step #2.

Assigned Learning Timeline
1.1. If you see this message about a pop-up being blocked, click Start to launch the course in the same window.

It is recommended that you disable your pop-up blocker when using the Fullerton Training Hub.

pop up blocked notification

2. Click Register in the course information box to open the activity registration page.

Online class in timeline
2.1. Click the Register button on the activity registration page.
Activity registration page
2.2. You will be redirected to the course landing page. Click Start to launch the course.
course landing page
2.3. If you have a pop-up blocker enabled on your web browser, click the Start button again to launch the activity in the same window.

It is recommended that you disable your pop-up blocker when using the Titan Training Hub.

pop up blocker error

In-Person or Live Online Session

View instructions on registering for a scheduled training

1. Click Register next to the instructor-led class you want to take.

Timeline screen

2. Click Add next to the session you want to attend. Then, click Register.

ILT session list
  1. Click the Add button next to the session you want to attend.
  2. Click Register.
  3. If none of the available sessions work with your schedule or if there are no sessions available, click Express Interest to request a new session.

3. You're now enrolled in the session!

successful registration

4. If there are no available sessions, click Express Interest to let IT Training know you are interested in attending a session.

If there are no sessions available, feel free to contact [email protected] to inquire about when the next session will be available.

no sessions available
4.1. Enter a comment with information on your availability or why you are interested in the course. Then click OK.
Express interest comments
4.2. You're done! If you open the Self menu and select Learning, then Registrations, you will be able to see all of the courses you have marked as "expressed interest."
Training Schedule page
  1. Click on Self.
  2. Select Learning.
  3. Select Registrations.
  4. Click Expressed Interest to view all classes you have expressed interest in.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with enrolling in courses, contact the Titan Training Hub at [email protected] or 657-278-2064. You can also visit the Titan Training Hub website.

For questions about IT/PeopleSoft/CMS courses, contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.