Troubleshooting Common Issues with Online Courses
This article covers how to troubleshoot common issues with online IT Training courses in the Titan Training Hub.
As of July 2024, the Employee Training Center has been renamed to the Titan Training Hub. All functionality and instructions remain the same.
1. Ensure you are using one of the approved web browsers.
Google Chrome is the recommended web browser to use with the Titan Training Hub.
Other approved browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox
2. Clear your browser history/cache.
3. Disable your pop-up blocker.
4. If the online course appears "stuck," try clicking the Play button.

Occasionally, an IT Training online course will appear to be "stuck" on a screen. Try clicking on the play button in the playbar at the bottom of the window.
The course should continue playing and will move to the next screen within a minute.
5. Verify that there are checkmarks next to each slide in the table of contents.

The table of contents on the left side of the training class will show a checkmark next to each slide that you have completed.
If you have gotten to the end of the training but the course is still showing as incomplete, look at the table of contents to see if any slides are missing a checkmark.
If a slide is missing a checkmark, click on the slide just before it (i.e. if slide 32 is missing a checkmark, click on slide 31). Complete the slide and then you can move to the slide you are missing so you can complete it.
Once you have completed the missing slide, you should be able to close out the training and then the Titan Training Hub will show it as complete.
6. Try clearing the checkmarks next to each slide.

Click on the Clear Status Flag button found at the very bottom of the table of contents on the left of the training. The button is meant to look like an eraser and can be found to the right of the total duration of the video.
This will clear all of the checkmarks next to each slide in the table of contents. Unfortunately, this does mean you will have to restart the training from the first slide, but it should clear any errors you were having.
Need More Help?
If you are having trouble with any PeopleSoft/CMS courses (e.g., Student Reappointment and Pay Changes, Requisition Approval) or IT course (e.g., Campus Distribution List, IT Service Request Forms) contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
If you are having trouble accessing any other Titan Training Hub courses (e.g., Data Security and FERPA, PCI Compliance, Title IX), contact the Titan Training Hub at 657-278-2064 or [email protected].