Student: How do I register for Cengage Courseware with Titan Direct Access?
You will learn how to access your Titan Direct Access Cengage course materials.
Be sure to enable pop-ups in your web browser when signing up and using Cengage. View instructions on enabling pop-ups.
1. Log in to the campus portal.
View detailed step-by-step instructions in the Logging into the Campus Portal guide.
2. Click the Titan Direct Access button in the My Courses widget on your portal homepage.

Under My Courses, click the Titan Direct Access button for your course.
3. Confirm your course materials and ensure you have selected Opted In.

Make sure the book matches the book listed in the course syllabus. By default you are "opted in" to the materials. You can opt out by clicking the "Want to opt-out?" button.
4. Return to your portal and click on the Canvas button in the My Courses widget.
You can use other Canvas links, but this link will take you directly to this specific course in Canvas.

5. Click on any link to Cengage content that your instructor has added to the Canvas course.
Not sure which link to click? Ask your instructor or try clicking on a few links. You’ll know you’ve clicked the right one when you see the Cengage login screen.
6. If you have a Cengage account, enter your email address to log in. If you do not have a Cengage account, click Create Account.
You might already have a Cengage account if you’ve used MindTap, CengageNOWv2, OWLv2, SAM, WebAssign, or another Cengage platform in a different course.
If you already have a Cengage account, log in with your email address and password. Since you already have an account, you can skip to step 7 of this guide.

- If you have an existing Cengage account, enter your email address to start the process of logging in to the system.
- Then click Next.
- If you do not have an existing Cengage account, click Create Account.
6.1. To create an account, enter your CSUF student email address, your First Name, and Last Name.

- Enter your CSUF student email address (e.g., [email protected]).
- Enter your First Name.
- Enter your Last Name.
6.2. Enter your Birth Year. Then enter California State University Fullerton in the Institution field. Decide if you want to receive updates from Cengage. Then click the checkmark to agree to the terms of use and click Next.

- Enter your Birth Year.
- Enter California State University Fullerton in the Institution field.
- Check the box if you want to receive updates from Cengage.
- Place a checkmark next to I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
- Then click Next.
6.3. Check your CSUF email for the welcome email from Cengage. Click Activate Cengage Account.
Be sure to use the same device and browser to create and verify your account.

7. You can now click Continue to access your Cengage course material.
Linking your Cengage account to Canvas is a one-time process. If you’ve completed this step, you won’t be prompted to do it again.

Need More Help?
Titan Shops: Contact Titan Shops to order/purchase Titan Direct Access course material.
- Email [email protected] or call (657)278-4998.
- Titan Shops Digital Course Materials FAQ page
Student IT HelpDesk: Contact the Student IT HelpDesk for all other technical issues with your Portal or Canvas account.
- Email: [email protected] or call (657)278-8888.
- Titan Direct Access Program