Unlock your account with text
This article will briefly describe the steps to unlock your account should it become locked out. If you haven't already done so, please read the Account Lockout Notifications article to sign up for this service.
1. If your account gets locked out you will receive a text on the mobile phone you entered when you signed up for the account lockout notifications
You have two options to unlock your account. by text message or by clicking on the link in the body of the text. In this example we will use the text option

2. To unlock by text, simply reply to the text message with the word, "unlock"

3. You will receive confirmation that your account is unlocked within 10 seconds

4. If your account gets locked three or more times within a 24 hour period you will be contacted by a helpdesk agent to assist.
Need more help?
Contact the IT Helpdesk at (657)278-7777