IT Knowledge BaseGeneral TopicsCampus PortalAccessing the Campus PortalStudents: Accessing the Campus Portal for the First Time

Students: Accessing the Campus Portal for the First Time

This article covers how new CSUF students can access the student portal with a CWID and PIN, personalize their username and email address, set a password for their account, set security questions for the password reset process, and provide a cell phone number for campus emergency notifications and two-factor authentication.

1. Open a web browser to the CSUF homepage. Click Portal for Student, Faculty and Staff.

CSUF homepage

2. Click Create my campus account under First time students and applicants.

portal login screen

3. Enter your CWID and PIN. Then click Sign In.

CWID and PIN login screen

Can't find your CWID & PIN? Contact Admissions for assistance.

You should have received an email with your CWID (Campus-Wide ID) and PIN from the Admissions Office. Keep in mind you may need to wait 24-48 hours before you can log in with your CWID and PIN.

4. Enter your Last Name, Date of Birth, and Home ZIP code to verify your identity. Then click Continue.

verify identity

5. Create a username for your campus student account and email address.

You will NOT be able to change your username later, so be sure to pick a professional username that could be put on a resume!

enter username

Username requirements:

  • 3-20 characters
  • Can include:
    • letters
    • numbers
    • - (hyphens)
    • _ (underscores)
    • . (period)

6. Create a password for your account.

Be sure to create a password that you'll remember!

enter password

Note that only the listed allowed symbols can be used as special characters.

Password requirements:

  • 12-20 characters
  • It must contain three of the following:
    • lowercase letter
    • uppercase letter
    • a number
    • a special character ! @ $ % & * ( ) , . - _ +

7. Select three different security questions from the drop-down menus and enter your answer for each one.

These password recovery questions will allow you to easily reset your password if you forget it without having to contact the Student IT Help Desk.

password recovery questions

8. Enter your cell phone number to receive campus emergency notifications via text.

This phone number will also be used for services that require two-factor authentication to verify your identity.

cell phone number

9. Review the information you've entered and then click Submit.


10. You will see a confirmation page and your account will be ready within 10 minutes. Click Access the CSUF Portal to access your portal.

confirmation page

Next Steps

The day after you create your account, you will be prompted to set up your Duo two-factor authentication account when you log in to the portal. View the user guide on how to activate your Duo account.

Need More Help?

Can't find your CWID and PIN? Contact the Admissions Office.

Technical issues? Contact the Student IT Help Desk at 657-278-8888 or [email protected].