Disconnecting Your LinkedIn Profile from Your LinkedIn Learning Account
This article covers how to disconnect of your LinkedIn profile from your LinkedIn Learning account.
All of your progress, history, and saved courses/videos will be saved.
1. Log in to LinkedIn Learning.
3. Scroll down and click Disconnect my account under Disconnect your LinkedIn account from your LinkedIn Learning account provided by your organization.
4. Click Disconnect.

5. You may be prompted to sign in to LinkedIn Learning again. Enter your campus email address and then click Continue.

- Enter your campus email address.
- Then click Continue.
6. Click Continue to California State University, Fullerton.

7. If prompted, enter your campus username and password. Then click Login.

- Enter your campus username and current password.
- Click Login.
8. You may also be prompted to authenticate with Duo.

Remember you can use Other options to choose another way to authenticate with Duo.
Need More Help?
For additional assistance with disconnecting your LinkedIn profile
- Faculty/Staff - contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
- Students - contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.
For all other LinkedIn Learning questions and issues