Updating Your Wi-Fi Password on Your Android Device
This quick guide covers updating your WiFi password on your Android device after changing your campus password.
NOTE: You must be on campus and within range of the eduroam Wi-Fi network to make this change. These instructions show the Android 6.0.1 (Marshmallow) OS release on a Samsung Galaxy S7 device. You may need to consult your device’s instruction manual to find similar instructions for your device.
1. Tap the Settings icon.

Immediately after changing your password, you will want to forget the eduroam network on each of your Android devices to avoid getting locked out.
Tap the Settings icon.
2. Tap on the Wi-Fi menu.

3. Tap on the eduroam network.

4. Tap Forget.

5. Wait at least 30-60 minutes before trying to rejoin. Tap eduroam.

Wait at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before attempting to re-join the eduroam network.
Tap eduroam.
6. Enter your campus full email address and your new password. Then tap Connect.

7. You’re now connected to eduroam with your new password!

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