How to Set Up or Modify Password Reset Security Questions and Off-Campus Email Address
This article covers how to set up or modify password reset security questions and off-campus email address.
Setting up password reset security questions and off-campus email account to your campus account allows you to reset your campus password anytime by answering the security questions and then receiving a new password in your off-campus email account. Simply click on "Need help logging in?" on the portal login page when you forget your password and you'll be able to reset it. All users with an active portal account are able to set up security questions and use this process to reset their password.
NOTE: You must have both password reset security questions and a password reset email address set up in order to use the password reset process.
Need to use your security questions to reset your password? Visit Employee Forgot Password.
1. To Set Up or Modify Security Questions for Your Campus Account
1.1. Log in to the campus portal with your username and password at
View instructions on Logging into the Campus Portal.
1.2. On the portal, click your profile photo icon.
- Click on your profile photo in the left navigation panel to open settings.
OR - Click on your profile photo on the top right corner of the page to open the Profile Dropdown Menu.
- Then, click Account Settings.
1.3. Click on Password Reset Security Questions.

1.4. Pick three security questions and type in your answer for each one.

1.5. Click Update. You'll see a confirmation that your password recovery settings have been successfully updated.

You're done!
2. To Modify Your Password Recovery Off-Campus Email
2.1. Log in to the campus portal with your username and password at
View instructions on Logging into the Campus Portal.
2.2. On the portal, click your profile photo icon.
- Click on your profile photo in the left navigation panel to open settings.
OR - Click on your profile photo on the top right corner of the page to open the Profile Dropdown Menu.
- Then, click Account Settings.
2.3. Click on Password Reset Off-Campus Email Address.

2.4. Enter your off-campus email address. Then click Update.

- Enter your off-campus email address (i.e. Gmail or Yahoo or any other email account.)
- Confirm your email by re-typing it.
- Click Update.
2.5. You'll see a confirmation that your off-campus email address has been successfully updated.

You're done!
Need More Help?
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.