Students: Converting Your Existing @CsuFullerton Dropbox
If you have an existing Dropbox account connected to your email account, you can convert it to a CSUF Dropbox for Business account by following the steps below.
1. Open your internet browser to the CSUF Dropbox for Business website for Students.
Open your internet browser to the CSUF Dropbox for Business website for Students.
3. If prompted, enter your campus username and password. Then click Login.

4. You'll be prompted to authenticate with Duo.

Remember you can use Other options to choose another way to authenticate with Duo.
5. IMPORTANT: Be sure to read all of the information on the page with regards to the usage and best practices for Dropbox. After reading this information, place a checkmark next to I have read and understand CSUF’s guidelines for use of Dropbox. Then click Continue.

A. Read CSUF's guidelines on using Dropbox for Business.
B. Check the box to indicate that you have read and understood the guidelines.
C. Click Continue.
6. You will see a confirmation screen letting you know that an invitation email has been sent to your campus email account. Go check your campus email inbox! It may take up to 30 minutes for you to receive this email.

7. You will see an email from the Helpdesk with the subject Dropbox account registration. Open it and click on the Dropbox login link in the body of the email.

8. You will need to sign in to your existing Dropbox account with the password you currently use to log in to your Dropbox account in order to continue the process. Enter your password and then click Sign In.
Don't remember the password to your personal Dropbox? Click Forgot your password? to change your password.

9. Click either "Join the CSU Fullerton account" OR "Change my email address."
You can move your personal files out of the CSUF Dropbox for Business once the account is created.

Decide if you want to merge your account with the CSUF Dropbox for Business account or to keep your files in a separate personal account. Having a separate personal Dropbox allows you some separation between files you share with friends & family and files you share with classmates & teachers but you can also use the two accounts and transfer files between the two accounts more seamlessly. Click either Join the CSU Fullerton account OR Change my email address.
A. If you choose Join the CSU Fullerton account, your personal Dropbox account will be combined with your CSUF account. A folder will be created for your personal files.
B. If you choose Change my email address, you will be prompted to enter a new personal email to attach to your personal Dropbox account. Your personal account will be separate from your Dropbox for Business account. You can choose to link your personal and business Dropbox accounts after creating them.
Which option are you choosing?
1. After selecting Join the CSU Fullerton account, click the Join CSU Fullerton account button.

2. You will see confirmation that you've joined the account. View your CSUF Dropbox for Business account by clicking "Show me my stuff."

3. Click Confirm to convert your personal Dropbox to a work Dropbox.

4. You have successfully converted your personal account to a Dropbox for Business account! You can download the Dropbox desktop app or continue to Dropbox on the web.
If you chose to move all of your files to your Dropbox for Business account, you should see them when you go to your Dropbox homepage.

1. After selecting Change my email address, click Continue.

2. Enter the password you use for Dropbox. Then, click Next.

- Enter the password of your personal Dropbox account.
- Click Next.
3. Enter the email address and password you want associated with the account. Then, click the box stating "I agree to Dropbox Terms." Click Continue.

- Enter a personal email address to be used as your personal Dropbox account login.
- Create a password for your personal Dropbox account.
- Click the checkbox indicating your agreement with the Dropbox Terms.
- Click Continue.
4. A message will appear to let you know that an email has been sent to your personal email account. Go check your inbox!
It may take a few minutes to receive the email.

[email protected]) with the subject Please verify your email address. Open it and click on Verify your email.
5. You will see an email from Dropbox (
6. A confirmation message will appear. Click Done.

7. Log out of your personal account by clicking on the profile icon and selecting Sign Out.

- Click your avatar to open the Profile menu.
- Click Sign out.
8. You will return to the sign in screen. Enter your campus email address in the email field.

9. The password field will disappear. Click Continue.

10. If prompted, enter your campus username and password. Then click Login.

10.1. You'll be prompted to authenticate with DUO.

11. Click the checkbox indicating you agree with the Dropbox terms. Then, click Create acount.

12. You have successfully created your Dropbox for Business account! You can download the Dropbox desktop app or continue to Dropbox on the web.

Need More Help?
Contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.
Additional training materials are available at the CSUF Dropbox for Business website for Students.