Running Reports in Telesoft

This article covers how authorized CSUF users can run reports in the Telesoft online telephone billing system.

2. Click on Reports in the menu bar.

main menu bar

3. Select the report you want to view.

The primary report available is the Extension Detail Report. This report will detail the usage and charges for each user and extension/device in the cost center, with a page break in between each user.

all available reports
  1. Click on the Report Name hyperlink to open a report.
  2. The Cost Center column will indicate for which cost center the report was run.
  3. The Period End column will indicate the end date of the month for which the report was run. In the above example, the reports are for June 2021.
  4. The Output column will indicate the type of report output. Most reports in Telesoft are Adobe PDF documents.

4. Depending on your browser settings, you may be prompted to download the PDF or the PDF may open in a new window/tab. If it opens in your browser, you can download it using the Adobe menu.

extension detail report
  1. Click on the download button in the Adobe menu to download the report if it opens in your web browser.
  2. Since many reports can be a hundred pages or more, it's not recommended that you print these reports.

Need More Help?

Contact Telecom at [email protected] for assistance with Telesoft.