Setting Business Hours & Holiday/Vacation Schedule for Your Zoom Phone
This article covers how users can set up business hours to manage the days/hours that they receive Zoom Phone calls and set up a holiday/vacation schedule to manage their Zoom Phone calls when they are out of the office. Modifying your voicemail greeting is also covered.
Users who have a Zoom Phone desk phone can use these instructions as well as users who only use the Zoom desktop and mobile apps.
These instructions are for individuals for their personal campus extension. If you want to set business hours or holiday schedules for a department extension, please contact Telecom at [email protected] for your options.
Choose what you want to do:
Business Hours indicate the days/hours when you want Zoom Phone to send incoming calls to your Zoom apps and/or desk phone. You will also be able to decide how incoming calls are handled outside of your business hours (e.g., sent to your voicemail, forwarded to another extension, etc.).
1. Log in to the CSUF Zoom web portal.
2. Click on the Phone menu.

3. Scroll down to the Call Handling section. Then click Edit next to the current Business Hours.

4. Select Custom Hours (if not already selected).

5. Place a checkmark next to each day that you want your schedule to be active. Then select the start and end time for each day. Click OK when you are done.

- Place a checkmark next to each day that you want your Business Hours to be active (i.e., these are the days when you want Zoom Phone to send incoming calls to your Zoom apps and/or desk phone).
- Select the start/end time for your Business Hours for each day that you have checkmarked. Note that each day can have a completely different start/end time if you wish.
- Click OK when you are done.
6. In the Business Hours section, you can adjust how your calls are handled during your business hours as well as the voicemail greeting that will be played during your business hours.
When you make a change to some of these settings, you will need to click Save to save your change.
- Click Edit next to Call Handling to adjust which Zoom apps and/or desk phones will ring when you have an incoming call during business hours.
- Use the drop-down menu to adjust the Call Handling Ring Mode. This allows you to select Simultaneous (all of your apps/desk phones ring at once) or Sequential (apps/desk phones ring in a specific order). If you choose Sequential, you can specify the order in which the apps/desk phones ring by clicking Edit next to Call Handling.
- Use the drop-down menu to adjust the Max Wait Time if you want calls to ring for longer/shorter before they are sent to voicemail. The default is 30 seconds, meaning that calls will ring for 30 seconds before being sent to voicemail.
- Use the drop-down menu to adjust the When I'm busy on another call. The default is Call waiting (you will get a pop-up notification if a second call comes in and you can choose to answer or decline the second call), but you can also choose to send the call to voicemail or forward to another number.
- Use the drop-down menu to adjust the When a call is not answered. The default is to send the call to your voicemail, but you can also choose to forward the call to another number.
- Click Edit in the Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction to add a new voicemail greeting or change to another greeting you have added.
7. In the Closed Hours section, you can adjust how calls are handled outside of your Business Hours as well as the voicemail greeting that will be played outside of your Business Hours.
The Closed Hours section will only appear once you have set custom Business Hours.

- Click Edit next to Call Handling if you want to receive incoming calls (e.g., you still want incoming calls but you want them to ring on your Zoom mobile app). By default, you will not get any incoming calls.
- Use the drop-down menu to adjust the When I'm busy on another call. The default is Call waiting, but if your Call Handling does not have any apps/desk phones listed, then you will not get any calls.
- Use the drop-down menu to adjust the When a call is not answered. The default is to send the call to your voicemail, but you can also choose to forward the call to another number.
- Click Edit in the Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction to add a new voicemail greeting or change to another greeting you have added. Note that you can use the same voicemail greeting for your business hours and closed hours if you wish.
Holiday Schedule allows you to create a special schedule for a single day or a range of days. Typically you would be setting your Zoom Phone settings to not send any incoming calls to your Zoom apps or desk phone on the holiday, but you can also set up forwarding so your calls are sent to another number.
1. Log in to the CSUF Zoom web portal.
2. Click on the Phone menu.

3. Scroll down to the Call Handling section. Then click Manage next to Holiday List & Call Handling.

4. Click Add to add a holiday/vacation.
If you have previously added holidays/vacations, you will see them here.

5. Enter a name for your holiday/vacation. Then select the date(s) of the holiday. Click Save when you are done.

- Enter a name for the holiday/vacation. You may want to include the year or month in the name so when you see this holiday in Holiday List & Call Handling, you'll know exactly which holiday it is.
- Select the start and end dates for your holiday. You can select a single day or a range of consecutive dates.
- Click Save when you are done.
6. You can edit the name of your holiday and/or the date(s) for the holiday at any time. Use Call Handling to indicate if you want to receive incoming calls during your holiday. Adjust what happens when a call is not answered if you don't want incoming calls to go to your voicemail. Click Edit next to the voicemail greeting to add a new voicemail greeting or select one you have already added. Click Delete to delete the holiday.
- Click Edit next to the holiday name to edit the name.
- Adjust the date(s) of your holiday using the From/To fields.
- Click Edit next to Call Handling if you want to receive incoming calls (e.g., you still want incoming calls but you want them to ring on your Zoom mobile app). By default, you will not get any incoming calls.
- Use the drop-down menu to adjust the When a call is not answered. The default is to send the call to your voicemail, but you can also choose to forward the call to another number.
- Click Edit in the Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction to add a new voicemail greeting or change to another greeting you have added.
- Click Delete to delete the holiday.
You can add multiple voicemail greetings to your Zoom Phone and select which one you want to play during a holiday.
Are you using a holiday schedule?
You can set a custom holiday/vacation greeting whether you have set a holiday schedule or not.
If you are using the holiday schedule, you can create the holiday at the same time that you create a new voicemail greeting. Follow the instructions above to create the holiday and then return to these instructions to add or select a new greeting.
1. Log in to the CSUF Zoom web portal.
2. Click on the Phone menu.

3. Scroll down to the Call Handling section. Then click Manage next to Holiday List & Call Handling.

4. Select the holiday. Then click Edit in the Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction section.
- Select the holiday you want to modify.
- Then click Edit in Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction.
5. Click Add Audio to create a new voicemail greeting for this holiday.
Did you already create a holiday greeting? Skip to step 9 for instructions on selecting that greeting.

6. Choose Record by Computer. Then enter a name for your new greeting. Select Voicemail Greeting as the Category. Then click the record button to record your new greeting.
You can also use the Text to Speech option to have the system generate a voicemail greeting from your text. Or if you have recorded a greeting in an external app such as Adobe Audition, you can use Upload to upload your file.

- Click Record by Computer.
- Enter a name for your new greeting. You may want to include the holiday name and date to make it easier for you to find this specific greeting in your asset library.
- Select Voicemail Greeting as the Category.
- Click the record button to start recording your new greeting.
7. Click Add when you are done recording.

8. The system should set your greeting for the holiday to the new greeting you just recorded. You're done!
9. To select a different greeting, click on Edit and then select Choose from Asset Library.

- Click Edit next to the current greeting.
- Then select Choose from Asset Library.
10. Select the radio button next to the greeting you want to use for the holiday. Then click Save.
- Select the radio button next to the greeting you want to use for the holiday.
- Then click Save.
If you are not using a holiday schedule, you can simply change your default greeting to a holiday greeting right before the holiday. Keep in mind that you will need to change your greeting back to your default greeting when you return!
1. Log in to the CSUF Zoom web portal.
2. Click on the Phone menu.

3. Scroll down to the Call Handling section. Then click Edit under the Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction in the Business Hours section.
Note if you have set up custom Business Hours, you will want to follow these steps for both the Business Hours and Closed Hours sections.

4. Click Add Audio to create a new holiday voicemail greeting.
Did you already create a holiday greeting? Skip to step 8 for instructions on selecting that greeting.

5. Choose Record by Computer. Then enter a name for your new greeting. Select Voicemail Greeting as the Category. Then click the record button to record your new greeting.
You can also use the Text to Speech option to have the system generate a voicemail greeting from your text. Or if you have recorded a greeting in an external app such as Adobe Audition, you can use Upload to upload your file.

- Click Record by Computer.
- Enter a name for your new greeting. You may want to include the holiday name and date to make it easier for you to find this specific greeting in your asset library.
- Select Voicemail Greeting as the Category.
- Click the record button to start recording your new greeting.
6. Click Add when you are done recording.

7. The system should set your greeting for the holiday to the new greeting you just recorded. You're done!

8. To select a different greeting, click on Edit and then select Choose from Asset Library.

- Click Edit next to the current greeting.
- Then select Choose from Asset Library.
9. Select the radio button next to the greeting you want to use for the holiday. Then click Save.
- Select the radio button next to the greeting you want to use for the holiday.
- Then click Save.
10. You should now see the greeting you selected set for this holiday. You're done!

Need More Help?
View the Troubleshooting & Resources guide.
View Zoom's support guide for Zoom Phone.
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.