Zoom Phone Voicemail
This article provides a quick reference guide on setting up and accessing voicemails on Zoom Phone.
You can access your voicemail messages and record your voicemail greeting using your Zoom Phone desk phone. If you have access to the Zoom web portal for your extension, you can retrieve or change your voicemail PIN in the Zoom web portal. Otherwise, contact the Help Desk at [email protected] to request a voicemail PIN be reset.
- Enter *86 and then press the Dial soft key to access your voicemail.
- Enter your PIN number followed by #.
- You are now at the voicemail main menu.
There are several ways you will know you have a new voicemail message:
- You will see the indicator light flashing red on your desk phone.
- There will be a message icon on your phone display.
- When you pick up your phone, the dial tone will play a little faster for a few seconds.
- You will receive a notification in your email with the message attached.
- Dial *86 to access your voicemail.
- Enter your PIN number followed by #.
- Press 1 to listen to your messages.
- The system will tell you how many new and old voicemails you have. It will automatically start playing your newest voicemail first.
- While listening to a voicemail, you can:
- Press 2 to save the message.
- Press 3 to delete the message.
- Press 4 to repeat the message.
- Press 5 to skip to the next message.
- When you reach the end of your messages, the system will disconnect you.
Note that these instructions do not work for common area phones; they only work for personal extensions assigned to a person. For common area phones, please email Telecom at [email protected] to add/update voicemail greetings.
- Dial *86 to access your voicemail.
- Enter your PIN number followed by #.
- Press 2 to record a new voicemail greeting.
- When prompted start recording the message. Press * to re-record or press any other key to stop recording.
- The system will play back your recording. Press 1 to save this new voicemail greeting or press 2 to re-record.
- When you save the new voicemail greeting, you will be taken back to the voicemail main menu.
You can access your voicemail messages in the Zoom desktop app, but you will need to log in to the Zoom web portal to record or change your voicemail greeting.

You will also receive an email containing the audio file and transcription of your voicemail.
1. Open your Phone in the Zoom desktop client. Then, click on the Voicemail on the left side of the screen. Use the drop-down menu to select if you want to view All, only Unread, or marked to Follow Up voicemails. You can also select which Line you want to check the voicemail for if you have multiple phone lines.
If you see a red digit on the tab, it indicates how many unread voicemails you have.
Selecting All, Unread, or Follow Up will show voicemails for all of your phone lines.
- Click the Voicemail button.
- Use the drop-down menu to select whether you want to view All voicemails, Unread voicemails, Follow-up voicemails, or only the voicemails for a particular Line.
2. Hover your cursor over the voicemail to reveal the voicemail buttons. Click the Phone icon to call the person back. Click the Play icon to play the voicemail and reveal the transcription.

- Use the Phone icon to call the person back.
- Use the Play icon to listen to the voicemail and view the transcription.
1. Log on to the Zoom web portal.
2. Select Phone from the navigation panel on the left. Then, click Settings.
- From the navigation panel, click Phone.
- Click the Settings heading.
3. Scroll to find Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction under the Call Handling section. If you want to change your voicemail greeting from the default, click Edit. Then, select Choose from Asset Library or Add Audio.

- Click Edit to change your voicemail greeting.
- If you have previously uploaded or created an audio file that you want to use as a voicemail greeting, select Choose audio from Asset Library.
- If you would like to upload a new audio file, select Add Audio.
3.1. To choose from your Asset Library, select the file you want to set as your default voicemail greeting. Then, click Save.
- Select which file you want to use as your greeting.
- Click Save.
3.2. To record a new voicemail greeting, click Record by Computer. Then, type in the Asset Name. Select Voicemail Greeting from the Category menu. Select a language from the Language menu. Then, click the Record button to begin recording your message. When you're finished, click Add.

- Click Upload.
- Enter a title in the Asset Name.
- Select Voicemail Greeting from the Category drop-down menu.
- Select a language from the Language drop-down menu.
- Click the Record button to record your message.
- Click Add to add the recording to your Asset Library and set it as your voicemail greeting.
1. Click the three dots next to a voicemail message to view other functions. Select the one you want.
If you are a voicemail delegate for someone else, you will only be able to delete your own voicemails and not those of your delegate. View Call and Voicemail delegation instructions.

Options in this menu:
- Send Text Message
- Copy Number
- Create Contact
- Add to Contact
- Invite as Zoom Contact
- Mark as Unread
- Mark as Follow Up
- Block Number
- Open File
- Open File Location
- Save as
- Delete (will delete selected voicemail)
- Delete All Voicemail (will delete all messages in voicemail box!)
You can access your voicemail messages in the Zoom mobile app, but you will need to log in to the Zoom web portal to record or change your voicemail greeting.

1. When you have a voicemail (or missed call), a badge count will appear next to the Phone menu. Tap Phone.

2. Tap Voicemail.

3. Tap on a voicemail to listen to it.

1. Tap on a voicemail to listen to it, forward it, or delete it.

2. When viewing a voicemail, you will see a transcription of the message. Tap the play button to listen to the message. Tap Speaker to use your device's speakerphone feature to listen to the message. Tap the trash icon to delete the message. You can also call back the number that left the message or forward the message.

- A transcription of the voicemail message will be generated within a few seconds.
- Tap the play button to play the message.
- Tap Speaker to use your phone's speakerphone to listen to the message.
- Tap the trash icon to delete the message.
- Tap the phone icon to call the number that left the message.
- Tap the forward arrow icon to use your phone's interface to forward the voicemail message to someone else (e.g., forward via text message or email).
1. Log on to the Zoom web portal.
2. Select Phone from the navigation panel on the left. Then, click Settings.
- From the navigation panel, click Phone.
- Click the Settings heading.
3. Scroll to find Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction under the Call Handling section. If you want to change your voicemail greeting from the default, click Edit. Then, select Choose from Asset Library or Add Audio.

- Click Edit to change your voicemail greeting.
- If you have previously uploaded or created an audio file that you want to use as a voicemail greeting, select Choose audio from Asset Library.
- If you would like to upload a new audio file, select Add Audio.
3.1. To choose from your Asset Library, select the file you want to set as your default voicemail greeting. Then, click Save.
- Select which file you want to use as your greeting.
- Click Save.
3.2. To record a new voicemail greeting, click Record by Computer. Then, type in the Asset Name. Select Voicemail Greeting from the Category menu. Select a language from the Language menu. Then, click the Record button to begin recording your message. When you're finished, click Add.

- Click Upload.
- Enter a title in the Asset Name.
- Select Voicemail Greeting from the Category drop-down menu.
- Select a language from the Language drop-down menu.
- Click the Record button to record your message.
- Click Add to add the recording to your Asset Library and set it as your voicemail greeting.
1. To view more voicemail options, tap on the three dots next to a voicemail message.

2. Choose the option you want or tap Cancel to go back to the list of voicemail messages.

Options in this menu:
- Call Back
- Send Text Message
- Copy Number
- Mark as Unread
- Mark as Follow Up
- Create New Contact
- Add to Existing Contact
- Invite as Zoom Contact
- Block Number
- Delete Item (deletes voicemail!)
You can access your voicemail messages and record your voicemail greeting using your Zoom web portal.
1. Select Phone from the navigation panel on the left. Then, click Settings.
- From the navigation panel, click Phone.
- Click the Settings heading.
2. Scroll to find Greeting & Leave voicemail instruction under the Call Handling section. If you want to change your voicemail greeting from the default, click Edit. Then, select Choose from Asset Library or Add Audio.

- Click Edit to change your voicemail greeting.
- If you have previously uploaded or created an audio file that you want to use as a voicemail greeting, select Choose audio from Asset Library.
- If you would like to upload a new audio file, select Add Audio.
2.1. To choose from your Asset Library, select the file you want to set as your default voicemail greeting. Then, click Save.
- Select which file you want to use as your greeting.
- Click Save.
2.2. To record a new voicemail greeting, click Record by Computer. Then, type in the Asset Name. Select Voicemail Greeting from the Category menu. Select a language from the Language menu. Then, click the Record button to begin recording your message. When you're finished, click Add.

- Click Upload.
- Enter a title in the Asset Name.
- Select Voicemail Greeting from the Category drop-down menu.
- Select a language from the Language drop-down menu.
- Click the Record button to record your message.
- Click Add to add the recording to your Asset Library and set it as your voicemail greeting.
This will show voicemails across all your phone lines.
1. Select Phone from the navigation panel on the left. Then, click Voicemail to view your voicemails.
- From the navigation panel, click Phone.
- Click the Voicemail heading.
- Use the date fields to select the timeframe that you want to view voicemails for.
- Enter a name, number, or extension in the search field if you wish to search for voicemails from a specific person/number.
- Use the Status drop-down menu to select if you want to view All, Unread, Read, or Follow Up voicemails.
- If you have multiple lines, use the Voicemails drop-down menu to select which line/s you want to view voicemails for.
- Use the Type drop-down menu to narrow down results by Normal, Spam, or Maybe Spam voicemails.
- Click the play icon or timestamp to listen to the voicemail.
- Click the ellipses button to open the menu to Mark as Read, Mark as Follow Up, or Delete the voicemail.
Need More Help?
View additional Zoom Phone guides.
View the Troubleshooting & Resources guide.
View Zoom's support guide for Zoom Phone features.
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.