Using Dual Monitors in Zoom
This article covers how to enable the use of dual monitors in Zoom.
You will need to use the Zoom Desktop app for this setting and for your meetings. View information on how to download the Zoom desktop client.
1. Open the Zoom Desktop client and click on the Settings icon on the Home tab.
1.1. If you're not on the Home tab, you can click on your profile picture and then select Settings.

- Click on your profile picture.
- Then click Settings.
3. You're done! As long as you use the Zoom desktop app, the dual monitors feature will be enabled for all future Zoom meetings.
Notice that Zoom automatically checks the Enter full screen automatically when starting or joining a meeting option for you. You can un-check this option if you wish, but using dual monitors may work better in full screen mode.
4. When you join or start a meeting, one monitor will contain the meeting controls and participants' video. The other monitor will just contain participants' video. When you start sharing your screen, you will still see the meeting controls and participants' video on one monitor and the content you are sharing on the other monitor.
Need More Help?
Faculty/Staff - contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
Students - contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.