Using Zoom Phone Desktop Client Features
This article contains information on how to use various features of the Zoom Phone desktop client.
To use these features, make sure that you have the latest version of Zoom installed. View instructions on how to update Zoom.
Setting Up Zoom Phone
You may want to set Zoom to start whenever you start Windows.
The steps are the same for Mac though the verbiage may be a little different.
To have Zoom automatically start along with Windows, first click your avatar and open Settings.

- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Settings.
Under General settings, place a check next to Start Zoom when I start Windows.

- Click General.
- Check the box next to Start Zoom when I start Windows.
1. Click your avatar. Then, click Settings.

- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Settings.
2. Select Audio from the Settings navigation.

3. Scroll until you see Ringtones. Then, drag the marker on the Ringtone Volume bar to adjust the ring volume.

1. Click your avatar. Then, click Settings.

- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Settings.
2. Select Audio from the Settings navigation.

3. To adjust the caller's volume, drag the marker on the Speaker volume bar.

4. To adjust your volume, drag the marker on the Microphone volume bar.

1. Click your avatar. Then, click Settings.

- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Settings.
2. Select Audio from the Settings navigation.

3. To change your speaker, use the Speaker drop-down menu to select what speaker or headset you want to set as your output device.
4. If you're using a headset and want to hear the phone ring even if you aren't wearing the headset, place a check next to Use separate audio device to play ringtone simultaneously. Then, use the Ringer Speaker drop-down menu to select what speaker you want to ring in addition to the headset. Adjust the volume by dragging the marker along the bar.

- Check the box next to Use separate audio device to play ringtone simultaneously.
- Select a device from the Ringer Speaker drop-down menu.
- Drag the marker along the volume bar to adjust the volume.
Telecom will enter your campus location. You will need to check it and confirm that it's correct or update it if it's incorrect.
1. Click on the red arrowhead icon underneath your avatar. Review the address that is listed. If the address matches your campus address, click Confirm. You do not need to continue with Step 2 onward. If you need to make changes, click Wrong, update it and continue with the following steps.

- Click the red arrowhead icon underneath your avatar.
- If the address shown is correct, click Confirm. You have confirmed your campus emergency address and do not have to take further action.
- If the address shown is incorrect, click Wrong, update it. Continue with Steps 2-?
2. Select the correct address from the drop-down menu. Then, click Save. If it is not in the drop-down menu, click Add a new Emergency Address and proceed to the next step.

A. Select your address from the drop-down menu.
A.2 Click Save. You do not need to proceed to Step 3.
B. If your address is not in the drop-down menu, click Add a new Emergency Address. Proceed to Step 3.
3. Add your country, street address, state, city, and zip code. Check the statement to consent to sharing your address with the account admin and emergency personnel. Click Add to save this address.

- Select United States from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the first line of your office address.
- Enter the second line of your office address (room number).
- Select California from the drop-down menu.
- Select Fullerton from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the zip code.
- Check the box next to "This information will be shared with your account admin..."
- Click Add.
Zoom allows you to add additional emergency addresses. This is helpful if you have an alternate campus location or if you telecommute.
To ensure accuracy, add an emergency address when you are at that location.
1. Click your avatar. Then, select Settings.

- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Settings.
2. Select Phone from the navigation panel. Scroll to the Emergency Address section. Then, click Add Emergency Address.

- Select Phone from the navigation panel.
- Click Add Emergency Address.
3. Add your country, street address, state, city, and zip code. Check the statement to consent to sharing your address with the account admin and emergency personnel. Click Add to save this address.

- Select your Country from the drop-down menu.
- Type in Line 1 of your Street Address.
- If applicable, type in Line 2 (e.g. number of your unit, apartment, etc.) of your Street Address.
- Select your State from the drop-down menu.
- Type in your City.
- Type in your Zip Code.
- Check the box next to "This information will be shared with your account admin..."
- Click Add.
4. You may see a message saying that the system has verified and suggested another address. Review the suggestion and click Use this address to save the suggested address.
You may see this message if the address you entered does not follow the standard postal format (e.g. excess punctuation, missing direction, etc.)

5. Your Zoom Emergency Address has been set.
This information will not be visible to other users aside from the account admin.

Quick Start
1. Click the Phone icon.

2. Use the number pad to dial the number you wish you call. You can also use the number keys on your keyboard. Then, click the Call button.

- Dial the number you want to call using the number pad in Zoom or your keyboard.
- Click the Call button to call the number.
3. When your call is answered, you will be taken to the in-call control pad to complete the call.

1. Click the Accept button to pick up the call.

2. You will be taken to the in-call control pad to complete the call.

1. In the in-call controls, select Transfer to initiate the transfer.

2. Dial the number/extension of the user that you want to transfer the call to. Then, click the Transfer button.

- Dial the number you want to transfer the call to using the number pad in Zoom or your keyboard.
- Click the Transfer button.
3. Click Blind Transfer.

4. You're done! The call has been transferred.

1. In the in-call controls, select Transfer to initiate the transfer.

2. Dial the number/extension of the user that you want to transfer the call to. Then, click the Transfer button.

- Dial the number you want to transfer the call to using the number pad in Zoom or your keyboard.
- Click the Transfer button.
3. Click Warm Transfer.

4. When you get an answer on the other line, let the person who answered know that you will be transferring a call to them, as well as any other pertinent details. When you're finished, click Complete Transfer.

5. You're done! The call has been transferred.

1. In the in-call controls, select Transfer to initiate the transfer.

2. Dial the number/extension of the user whose voicemail you want to transfer the call to. Then, click the Transfer button.

- Dial the number you want to transfer the call to using the number pad in Zoom or your keyboard.
- Click the Transfer button.
3. Click Transfer to Voicemail.

4. You're done! The call has been transferred.

1. In the in-call controls, select Hold to put the call on hold.

2. Click the Unhold icon to remove the call from hold.

1. In the in-call controls, select Mute to put the call on mute.

2. Click the Unmute icon to unmute the call.

When you enable call forwarding, all calls to your extension will be forwarded to the extension you enter. If the call is not answered, the caller will be sent to your voicemail.
1. Click your avatar. Then, click Forward Calls.

- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Forward Calls.
2. To forward your calls to another user or extension, select Name or Number in the Set Up Call Forwarding prompt. Then, enter the name or extension you want to forward your calls to into the Forwarding Contact field. Select a Time Limit from the drop-down menu. Then, choose your voicemail greeting option. When you're finished, click Save.

- Select Name or Number.
- In the Forwarding Contact field, enter the Name or Extension that you want to forward your calls to.
- Use the Time Limit drop-down menu to set how long you want your calls forwarded.
- Toggle on the play my voicemail greeting button if you want your voicemail greeting to play if the call isn't picked up. By default, this option is enabled. This means that if the call is not answered, it will be sent back to your voicemail and not the voicemail of the extension you are forwarding your calls to. In the above example, this means that if Ronnie doesn't answer a call forwarded from Seth's phone, the call will be sent to Seth's voicemail and not Ronnie's. Typically you will not want to change this, but you can disable this setting if you don't want the calls to go to your voicemail when unanswered.
- Click Save to enable call forwarding.
3. You will see a pop-up notification that your calls are now forwarded. You will also see a reminder message at the top of the Zoom Phone screen while call forwarding is enabled.

4. To turn off Call Forwarding, click Turn Off in the Call forward banner or in the Set Up Call Forwarding prompt.
If you have set a specific time limit for call forwarding (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours), you do not need to disable call forwarding unless you want to turn it off before that time limit.

5. You will see a pop-up notification that call forwarding has been disabled.

When you enable call forwarding to your voicemail, all calls will be sent directly to your voicemail greeting.
1. Click your avatar. Then, click Forward Calls.

- Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Forward Calls.
2. To forward your calls to voicemail, select Voicemail/Videomail in the Set Up Call Forwarding prompt. Check that your preferred Greeting Message is set to play. Then, select a Time Limit from the drop-down menu. When you're finished, click Save.

- Select Voicemail/Videomail.
- The Greeting Message uses your default settings for voicemail. Your default voicemail settings can be changed on the Zoom web portal.
- Use the Time Limit drop-down menu to set how long you want your calls forwarded to voicemail.
- Click Save.
3. You will see a pop-up notification that your calls are now forwarded. You will also see a reminder message at the top of the Zoom Phone screen while call forwarding is enabled.

4. To turn off Call Forwarding, click Turn Off in the Call forward banner or in the Set Up Call Forwarding prompt.
If you have set a specific time limit for call forwarding (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours), you do not need to disable call forwarding unless you want to turn it off before that time limit.

5. You will see a pop-up notification that call forwarding has been disabled.

If you have multiple lines, you can change your Caller ID to reflect which number you want the call to appear from. By default, your Caller ID will be your direct extension.
If you do not have multiple lines set up, you will not be able to change your Caller ID.
1. In the number pad, click on Caller ID.

2. From the Caller ID options, select which number you want to set as your Caller ID.
It is not recommended to hide your Caller ID.

Additional Features
Parking a call allows you to place a call on hold from your phone and then pick up the call on another campus phone. This is helpful if you need to go to another campus location to continue the call.
1. In the in-call controls, select More. Then, click Park.

- Click the More ellipses icon.
- Click Park.
2. A prompt will appear at the top of the screen with your park number.
You may want to be prepared to write down the park number so you don't forget it.

3. Go to another campus phone and dial the park number to connect to the original call.
Flipping a call allows you to switch between the desktop client and mobile app or vice versa.
This feature allows you to convert a call to a Zoom meeting.
To elevate to a meeting, you need to be on the desktop client or mobile app. If you are on your desk phone, call flip to your desktop or mobile app and initiate from there.
1. In the in-call controls, select Meet.

2. A Zoom meeting will open. If you have the Waiting Room enabled, the other caller will be sent to the Waiting Room. Click Admit to let them into the meeting.
The Do Not Disturb setting will be applied to both your Zoom Phone and Zoom web conferencing.
1. Click your avatar. Then, click Do not disturb. Select the amount of time for which you do not want to be disturbed.

- Click on your avatar (profile picture or initials).
- Click Do not disturb.
- Select the amount of time for which you do not want to receive calls.
1.1. If you select Custom, you will be taken to the Settings window to set your phone to Do not disturb and add your custom timeframe.

- Place a check in the box next to Do not disturb from.
- Use the drop-down menus to select times or type them in manually.
2. Your phone has been set to Do not disturb mode. Other users will be able to see your availability on your avatar and profile card.

1. In the in-call controls, select Add Call. This will place the current caller on hold.

2. Dial the number/extension of the user that you want to include in the conference call. Then, click the Call button.
If you are trying to call a campus employee, you can also search for them by typing in their name.

- Dial the number you want to include using the number pad in Zoom or your keyboard.
- Click the Call button.
3. After the second person answers the phone, announce that you will be adding them to a conference call with the original caller. Then, click the double-tailed arrow icon next to their name/number.

4. In the Merge Call prompt, click on the double-tailed arrow to merge the calls.

5. All three users are now on a conference call.

1. Click on the History tab on the left side of the screen. Use the drop-down menu to select if you want to view All, Missed, or Recording call history.
Only call center agents have the ability to record calls and retrieve recording history.

- Click on the History tab.
- Use the drop-down menu to select if you want to view your entire call history (All), or just Missed calls.
2. View your Call History in the History pane on the left side of the window.

You will also receive an email containing the audio file and transcription of your voicemail.
1. Open your Phone in the Zoom desktop client. Then, click on the Voicemail on the left side of the screen. Use the drop-down menu to select if you want to view All, only Unread, or marked to Follow Up voicemails. You can also select which Line you want to check the voicemail for if you have multiple phone lines.
If you see a red digit on the tab, it indicates how many unread voicemails you have.
Selecting All, Unread, or Follow Up will show voicemails for all of your phone lines.
- Click the Voicemail button.
- Use the drop-down menu to select whether you want to view All voicemails, Unread voicemails, Follow-up voicemails, or only the voicemails for a particular Line.
2. Hover your cursor over the voicemail to reveal the voicemail buttons. Click the Phone icon to call the person back. Click the Play icon to play the voicemail and reveal the transcription.

- Use the Phone icon to call the person back.
- Use the Play icon to listen to the voicemail and view the transcription.
1. Click the three dots next to a voicemail message to view other functions. Select the one you want.
If you are a voicemail delegate for someone else, you will only be able to delete your own voicemails and not those of your delegate. View Call and Voicemail delegation instructions.

Options in this menu:
- Send Text Message
- Copy Number
- Create Contact
- Add to Contact
- Invite as Zoom Contact
- Mark as Unread
- Mark as Follow Up
- Block Number
- Open File
- Open File Location
- Save as
- Delete (will delete selected voicemail)
- Delete All Voicemail (will delete all messages in voicemail box!)
Need More Help?
View the Troubleshooting & Resources guide.
View Zoom's support guide for Zoom Phone.
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.