Office 365: Download & Installation for Windows

This article covers how CSUF students and faculty/staff can download, install, and activate Office 365

Step 1: Remove previous versions of Office from your computer.

If you do not have a previous version of Office installed, proceed to Download Office 365.

If you have an older version of Office on your device you need to remove it before installing the newer version.  

This will prevent potential compatibility issues among multiple versions.  

1. Open the Settings

SPSS Statistics Guide - Jan20 - Word

2. Click on Apps

windows settings

3. Select Microsoft 365 Apps from the list

apps and features

4. Click Uninstall twice

uninstall program

5. Restart you computer

restart computer

Warning: You will need to restart your computer to complete the uninstall process.

Step 2: Download Office 365

1. Go to the Office 365 Software Page and click "Install Office 365"

a. Go to the Office 365 Software page

b. Click on "Install Office 365"

STS software page

2. Enter your campus password. Then click Sign in.

NOTE: You must be a currently enrolled student actively taking classes at CSUF this semester or an active faculty/staff member.

CSUF Authentication
  1. Enter your campus password. This is the same password that you use to log on to the campus portal.
  2. Then click Sign In.

3. You'll be prompted to authenticate with Duo.

Duo push notification

Remember you can use Other options to choose another way to authenticate with Duo.

4. In your Office 365 Dashboard, click "Install Office" then "Office 365 apps"

  1. Enter your CSUF email and password
  2. Click "Sign in"
Install Office 2016 screen

NOTE: You must be a currently enrolled student actively taking classes at CSUF this semester or an active faculty/staff memeber.

5. Follow the steps to install Office

Office installation steps

Installation Steps:

  1. Click Run.
  2. Click Yes to start installing.
  3. After installation, start any Office app and sign in with your CSUF email account.
  4. Click Close after reviewing steps.

Tip: Depending on your browser, your pop-up will be a little different...

Step 3: Install Office 365

1. You will see "We're getting things ready"

Office getting ready screen

2. The Office applications that are being installed will show on the Installing Office screen

installing office screen

3. Office Installation is complete

Click Close.

Office installation complete
Step 3: Activate Office 365

1. Launch an Office 365 app

  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Find and open an Office app (ex: Word)
Windows start menu

2. Accept the Microsoft License Agreement

Click Accept.

Accept Office terms

Alert: If prompted to activate; sign in with your CSUF email to activate Office 365 apps

Office 365 apps are now Installed & Activated

Where are the Office 365 apps Located?
  1. Select the Start Button
  2. Apps will be in the start menu in alphabetical order
  3. Example: Word is under the "W" section
start menu with app list
Need help using Office 365 apps?

LinkedIn Learning is available to all currently enrolled CSUF Students and active Faculty/Staff

  • Contains over 13,000 courses taught by real-world experts and a library that is constantly up-to-date
  • On the Student Portal, search for "Linkedin Learning" to get started
Need technical assistance?

Faculty & Staff: Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

Students: Contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.