Accessing Qualtrics

This article covers how faculty, staff, and students can access the CSUF Qualtrics system.

2. Enter Qualtrics in the portal search on the left. Then click on the Qualtrics app.

qualtrics portal app
  1. Enter qualtrics in the portal search box on the left of your portal.
  2. Then click on the Qualtrics portal app.

3. Click Login to Qualtrics.

You can also go directly to the CSUF Qualtrics homepage to log in. You will be prompted to log in to the campus portal if you are not logged in already.

CSUF Qualitrics landing page

4. The first time you access Qualtrics, you will be prompted to indicate if you already have an account. Click No, I don't have a preexisting account here.

pre-existing account question

4.1. Your account will be created. Then click Sign In.

sign in to qualtrics with new account

4.2. Review the terms of service and then click I accept.

review terms of service

5. You are now logged in to your CSUF Qualtrics account.

CSUF Qualtrics homepage

Need More Help?

Questions related to training, support, survey creation and design

Contact Qualtrics support at 800-340-9194 or visit the Qualtrics support site.

Problems accessing Qualtrics or questions about your Qualtrics account

Faculty/Staff - contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

Students - contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.