Access Online Archive Email from a Web Browser
This article will show you how to access your Outlook archive email from a web browser.
All emails, calendar items, and tasks that are older than one year will be moved to your online archive folder, Personal Archive.
Once emails have been moved to your online archive folder, you will no longer be able to find them in your live email account. You will need to look in your online archive email account for your archived emails.
1. Log into your email on the Web.
2. In the folder pane of your email, find and expand your Personal Archive folder.

In your web access, the online archive folder is called Personal Archive, in your desktop application it is called Online Archive. Your archived data will be the same in both locations and folders.

The ability to expand your online archive folder may not be seem when you initially log into your online email account. Click your Personal Archive folder to display the expand option.
3. You can now explore your online archive folders in Personal Archive.

All of your folders within Personal Archive will contain emails older than one year, if you have any.
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