Add a Second Email Account to Your Outlook Desktop App
This article covers how to add additional email accounts to your Outlook desktop app.
Choose your operating system:
1. In the Outlook desktop app, click File.

2. Under Account Information, click Add Account.

3. Enter the email address you want to add. Then, click Connect.

- Enter the email address you want to add into the data field.
- Click Connect to add the email account to your Outlook.
4. You may be prompted to log in with the account credentials. Enter the username and password, then click Sign in.
If you are trying to re-add an account that you recently removed from your Outlook, you may not see the Faculty/Staff Authentication log in prompt.

5. You'll be prompted to authenticate with Duo 2FA.

6. A message prompt will appear confirming that the account was successfully added. Click Done. Then, restart Outlook for the changes to take effect.

7. After rebooting Outlook, the account now appears in your left pane. Click the > icon to expand and view the folders.

1. Open Outlook and then click on the Outlook menu. Select Preferences.

- Click on the Outlook menu.
- Then select Preferences.
3. Click on the plus sign at the bottom left of the Accounts window.

4. Select New Account...

5. Enter the campus email address that you want to add. Then click Continue.

- Enter the campus email address that you want to add.
- Then click Continue.
6. Enter the password for the account you are adding. Then click Sign In.

- Enter the password for the account you are adding.
- Then click Sign In.
7. You'll be prompted to authenticate with Duo.

8. Click Done when you see the notification that the account has been added.

9. Click the red button to close the Accounts window.

10. The new account will show on the left of your Outlook app. It may take several minutes to download all of the emails and calendar events for the newly added account, especially if there are a lot of them.

Need More Help?
Contact the IT Helpdesk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.