Delete Individual Messages
This article covers how to delete individual email messages using Microsoft Outlook desktop application.
NOTE: In addition to deleting email from your regular email you will also be able to delete email from the Online Archive or local data file folders.
** The same instructions apply for a PC, as well as Mac desktop workstation.
1. Find the Email to Delete.

(1) Click to select the email; or (2) hover over the email you want to delete.
(3) Hover to the far right of the email to expose the delete icon on the email, then click the X.
1.1. To Permanently Delete Email.

Hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard while deleting the email.
Click Yes to continue.
NOTE: Email is moved directly to the permanently deleted folder. You will not be able to recover it from the regular Deleted Items folder. To recover permanently deleted email view Recover Deleted Email Items.
2. Deleted Email is Moved to the Deleted Items Folder.

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