Managing Your Distribution List
This article covers how distribution list owners can manage their distribution list including: adding/removing owners, adding/removing members, changing who can send to the distribution list, and more.
1. Log in to Outlook on the Web (OWA) to access the Exchange Admin Center where you can manage your distribution list.
2. Click the Settings icon. Next, select General, then select Distribution groups. Click the this portal link to open the Exchange Admin Center.
- Click the Settings icon.
- Select General.
- Select Distribution groups.
- Click the this portal link in the description.
If you are unable to access the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) through OWA, you can open the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) directly. Please note that if accessing the EAC through an external link, you may be prompted to log in with your CSUF credentials and authenticate with Duo if you are not already logged into your CSUF account. You will also need to click on the Groups icon once you are logged into the EAC to proceed.
3. Click Groups I own and then select the DL that you want to modify.

Choose the action you want to take with your distribution list from the items below to view instructions.
Hiding your distribution list from the Outlook Address book changes your distribution list to "unlisted" and it will not appear in any searches of the address book.
If your distribution list is hidden, you MUST type the full email address of the distribution list each time you want to send an email to it.
1. Click General. Then, click Edit general settings.

- Click General.
- Click Edit general settings.
2. Place a check next to Hide from global address list (GAL). Then, click Save.

- Place a check next to Hide from global address list (GAL).
- Click Save to hide your distribution list in the Address Book.
3. To change your distribution list from hidden to visible, uncheck Hide this group from the shared address book and click Save again.

- Remove the check next to Hide from global address list (GAL).
- Click Save to make your distribution list visible in the Address Book.
Adding or removing another owner will grant or revoke access to manage the distribution list which includes all of the actions in this article.
1. Click Members. Then, click View all and manage owners.

- Click Members.
- Click View all and manage owners.
2. To add an owner, click Add owners.

2.1. Type a name/username/email into the search bar and hit Enter. Select the user(s) that you want to add as DL owner. Repeat with any additional people you want to add. Then, click Add.

- Enter a name, username, or email address into the search bar. Hit the Enter key to see search results.
- Place a check next to the user(s) that you want to add as a DL owner. Make additional searches and selections until you have checked all users that you want to add.
- Click Add.
3. To remove an owner, click on the name you want to remove. Then click Delete.
If you select too many users, a Microsoft Tip will remind you that a group should have at least 1 owner and that up to 5 owners can be removed at a time from the group. Select 5 or fewer owners and try again.

- Click on the name of the person you want to remove as an owner of this distribution list.
- Click Delete.
4. After adding/removing owners, it may take up to five minutes to see the changes reflected in Outlook.

You can add/remove members of your distribution list in both Outlook on the Web and in the desktop Microsoft Outlook application.
Membership approval allows you to change whether users can add themselves to your distribution list. By default, all distribution lists have closed membership, meaning that an owner must add/remove members.
1. Click Settings. Then, click Edit membership approvals.

- Click Settings.
- Click Edit membership approvals.
2. Choose the type of membership approval you want for this distribution list. Then click Save.

- Choose the membership approval type you want for this distribution list.
- Click Save after making your selection.
Field definitions
- Open: anyone with a CSUF employee email account can join/leave this distribution list without approval.
- Closed: only owners can add or remove members to the distribution list.
- Approval required: when a user requests to join a distribution list, the owner(s) will receive a notification and must approve the request.
Use delivery management to allow only specific users to send to your distribution list or to allow all campus employees to send to it. By default, all employees on campus can send to your distribution list.
If you need to allow off-campus users to send to your distribution list, please contact the Helpdesk at [email protected].
1. Click Settings. Then, click Edit delivery management.

- Click Settings.
- Click Edit delivery management.
2. Type a name or email into the Specified senders field.

3. Select the person that you want to add as a sender.

4. Click Save.

5. To remove an allowed sender's access to your distribution list, click the X next to the sender you want to remove. Then, click Save.
If you remove all allowed senders, all campus employees will be allowed to send to the distribution list.

- Click X next to the name of the person you want to remove.
- Click Save.
6. After adding/removing senders, it may take up to five minutes to see the changes reflected in Outlook.

Email Options will show you the email addresses associated with your distribution list.
1. Click Settings. Then, click View email options.

- Click Settings.
- Click View email options.
2. Review the all of the valid email addresses for your distribution list.
It is highly recommended that you use the email address when sending to a distribution list.

This MailTip will appear when users add your distribution list to the To field of an email. Creating a MailTip allows you to set up a customized message for users who are sending to your distribution list. This can be used to remind them of any relevant information about sending to your distribution list such as rules about appropriate content.
1. Click Edit mailtip.

2. Type your content in the MailTip box. Then click Save.
MailTip text appears in the infobar when a distribution group is included on the To line. Up to 175 characters can be displayed in the infobar.
If you see HTML/Body tags, you should enter your MailTip text in between the tags as seen in the screenshot below.

- Enter the information you want to appear in the MailTip.
- Click Save.
3. Users will now see the MailTip when they add your distribution list to the To field of an email.

Need More Help?
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.