Wiring Request
This article covers how Department IT Coordinators (DITCs) can fill out a wiring request to request a new outlet, move an outlet, remove an outlet, or repair an outlet. The types of outlets you can request are: phone, data, cable TV, or other (i.e. audio-visual outlet).
NOTE: If you would like a quote prior to submitting the order, contact Telecom at [email protected].
1. Log in to the IT Service Desk through the direct link or from the campus portal.
2. Click on Telephone, Cellular, and Wiring.

3. Click on Wiring.

4. Select the wiring type(s).
NOTE: Depending on which items you choose, you may have additional fields to fill out.

Place a checkmark next to each wiring type that is involved with the request. You can select multiple if several apply.
5. If you selected "Data/Network," choose which network.
If you click on More Information, you'll see that Private is used most often for labs and Public is used for most other data jacks.

6. If you selected "Other," enter the wiring type.

7. Select the request type.

NOTE: You cannot move an outlet from one room to another. Also, if your department will no longer be using a room, you do not need to remove an outlet. When you move your computers and phones out of the room, the outlet will be inactive until another department requests new phones and a data jack activation.
Select from the following request types:
- Add (create a brand new outlet)
- Move (move an existing outlet within the same room; i.e. if you are getting new modular furniture which will block an outlet, you may want to move that outlet a few inches)
- Remove (completely remove an outlet from a room; i.e. if you are having a contractor remove an entire wall in a room, you may want to remove an outlet on that wall completely)
- Repair (request that an existing outlet be fixed; i.e., if an existing outlet has active jacks but is not working, you can use this to request a repair. If you are trying to activate a data jack, use the Activate Data Jack Request instead.
8. Enter the location of the outlet.

For Add requests, this location should be where you want the new outlet to be placed.
For Move requests, you can enter the current location as well as instructions (i.e. move 6 inches to the left or move to opposite wall near desk).
For Remove requests, enter the current location of the outlet you want to remove.
9. Select the account code to be billed for any charges for this request.

11. If you are done ordering items, click Proceed to Checkout.
You can add other items/requests to your cart, but be sure that they are all related to the same person or situation (i.e. do not include an iPad order with a Wiring request; however, you could include a Schedule a Move request if you are moving a phone/computer to a room that does not currently have an outlet).
Click Proceed to Checkout when you are ready to submit the order.
12. Enter the name of the person who is requesting this wiring change in the Requested for field.

Enter the name of the person for whom you are submitting this request in the Requested for field. For a wiring request, this could be a department tech. Or you can put your (the Department IT Coordinator) name.
13. In the Special instructions field, enter any notes about this request.
NOTE: Wiring requests require a minimum of 10 days for processing, so be sure to allow enough time in your request. Allow extra time if you are requesting multiple outlets.

In the Special instructions field, enter any notes about this request. You may want to put details such as how many outlets you need or where outlets need to be moved or the date when you need this done (i.e. please remove this outlet by January 12th as construction will begin on January 13th; please move this outlet to the other side of the room to accommodate a new staff member who will be starting on January 15th).
15. You're done! You'll receive an email confirmation of your request in addition to seeing the Request Number and RITM number.
Want to help your order move faster? For add and move wiring requests, consider putting a post-it note on the wall where you want the outlet. This will help the technician know exactly where you want a new outlet installed or a current outlet moved.
When contacting the IT Help Desk about this request, it is most helpful to provide the RITM number. But you can also provide the REQ number. Learn more about Request Number vs RITM number.
The person listed in the Requested For field will also get an email confirmation of this request. You should hear from a Telecom technician with a tentative date for your wiring work to be completed.
Need More Help?
Contact Telecom at [email protected] or the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.