Submitting an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP)
This article covers how to submit an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) Form if required as part of an IT Purchase Authorization.
Depending on the selections you made on the IT Purchase Authorization Request Form, the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) section at the bottom of the form may become a required field.
If you attached a VPAT that was deemed unacceptable or you indicated you would submit a VPAT later and were unable to do so (e.g. if the vendor did not fill out the VPAT) AND your purchase is determined to be high impact, you need to fill out an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) to meet the VPAT requirement before your IT Purchase Authorization Request can move forward.
This image shows the email you would receive if your VPAT was found to be unacceptable and an EEAAP is required.
1. Log in to the IT Service Desk through the direct link or from the campus portal.
2. Click on Other Services.

4. Use the drop-down menu to select the IT Purchase Authorization RITM number.
Note you will only see IT Purchase Authorizations where you specified that no VPAT was available or IT Subject Matter Experts have determined the VPAT is insufficient.
- Click on the drop-down menu.
- Select the RITM/IT Purchase Authorization from the list.
5. Enter the Product name, description, and purpose.

- Enter the name of the product/service you want to purchase.
- Enter a description of the product/service (e.g. what is it? what does it do?)
- Enter the purpose of the product/service (e.g. how will it be used? what will it be used for?).
6. Enter a description of the issue, the persons/groups affected by the issue, and the Responsible Person(s).
Click the More information drop-down arrow for additional help with filling out each field.
- Enter a description of the accessibility issue that was identified by the ATI Subject Matter Expert. This information should have been provided to you via email as part of the IT Purchase Authorization request.
- Enter the persons/groups who are affected by the accessibility issue. This may be all of the groups/people who are intended to use the product/service.
- Enter the Responsible Person(s). The Responsible Person is the person who will be using the IT product/service that is being requested in the associated IT Purchase Authorization. Often this is the person who requested that the IT product/service be purchased.
7. Describe how EEAA will be provided, the resources required to provide it, repair information from the vendor, and a timeline for implementation.
If you are unsure about what to put in these fields, you can enter something like "I need assistance from IT."
- Describe the Equally Effective Alternate Access (EEAA) that will be provided to address the accessiblity issues. Be as specific as possible.
- Enter the resources that are necessary to implement the EEAA. This might be additional hardware or accessories or an investment of time from your campus tech or other staff. An example might be hiring an additional staff person to transcribe audio.
- Enter the vendor's plan for repairing the accessibility issue. If the vendor has a plan to fix the issue, enter their plan and estimated completion date. If there is no plan to fix the issue, enter "Vendor has no plans to address this issue" or similar.
- Enter the timeline to address unforeseen events. This is the timeline to execute this EEAA plan and/or the timeline to address a specific accessibility request when it is initiated.
8. Choose the Division of the approving manager. Then enter the name of the Department Chair/Dean/VP or Designee or click on the magnifying glass to look up available managers.

You should see a list of all users in your division who are designated as Management, Department Chair, Dean, Vice President, or a designee. If you do not see the name of the person you want to select, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
10. Change the Requested For field if desired and then click Checkout.
- You may wish to change the Requested For field to the Responsible Person for the IT Purchase Authorization.
- Click Checkout when you are ready to submit the EEAAP.
11. The EEAAP is submitted! Make a note of the REQ and RITM numbers.
You can use the REQ number or RITM number when contacting the IT Help Desk to follow up on this request.
You may not receive a confirmation email after you submit this request if you are not the Manager/Department Chair/Dean/VP/Designee involved in this request.
Need More Help?
For technical assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
For assistance with the IT Purchasing process, contact the IT Purchasing Team at [email protected].