Requesting Guest Wireless Accounts
This article covers how Department IT Coordinators (DITCs) can request multiple guest wireless accounts to be used by attendees at a campus event.
Please note that requests for Guest Wireless Accounts must be submitted at least 14 days in advance.
Note that guest wireless accounts can be used for a maximum of three hours at a time.
1. Log in to the IT Service Desk through the direct link or from the campus portal.
2. Click on Software and Access.

3. Click Guest Wireless Account Request.

4. Enter the name and location(s) for your event.
NOTE: The location information is used to assess wireless coverage in your location(s) so be as descriptive as possible, especially if your location(s) do not have a building/room location or name. For example, you might write "lawn area in front of Dan Black Hall" or "Parking Lot E near Nutwood Parking structure."

- Enter the name of the event.
- Enter each location that will be used for the event.
5. Enter the start and end dates for your event.
NOTE: These should be the dates that you want to have wireless accounts available. If your event lasts for a week, but you only want wireless accounts for three days during the event, enter the first and last day you want wireless accounts available.

Use the calendar icon to select the date when your event begins and the date when the event ends.
6. Enter the number of guests for your event and select the person who will be responsible for the accounts.

- Enter the number of guests for your event. This should be the number of guest wireless accounts that you want to request.
- Enter the name of the person who will be responsible for tracking these guest wireless accounts. This may be the person running the event or the event leader.
7. Enter the chartfield to be billed for any charges and enter any comments about the request.
NOTE: CSUF non-state (ASC/Foundations/ASI) and auxiliary funded events are charged a $1 per day per users. Terms and conditions may vary.

- Enter the chartfield string that should be charged if there are any charges associated with this request.
- In the Comments field, enter any additional information you would like IT to know about your request.
8. Click Proceed to Checkout when you are finished.
It is NOT recommended that you submit any other requests at the same time as a Guest Wireless Accounts request.
9. Click the checkbox to acknowledge you have read the CSU Responsible Use Policy. Then click OK.

- Click the checkbox to acknowledge you have read the CSU Responsible Use Policy.
- Then click OK.
10. Click Edit to make changes to the request. Check that the Responsible Person is listed in the Requested For field. Then click Checkout to submit your request.
- Click Edit to make changes to the request.
- Check that the Requested For field lists the name of the responsible person for the wireless accounts. This should be the same person listed in the Requested By field on the previous screen. This ensures that the person listed will also receive a copy of this request.
- Click Checkout.
11. You're done! You'll receive an email confirmation of your request in addition to seeing the Request Number and RITM number.
When contacting the IT Help Desk about this request, it is most helpful to provide the RITM number. But you can also provide the REQ number. Learn more about Request Number vs RITM number.
The person listed in the Requested For field will also get an email confirmation of this request.
Need More Help?
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.