Request (REQ) Number vs Request Item (RITM) Number
This article covers the differences between a Request (REQ) Number and a Request Item (RITM) number in the IT Service Request Forms.
What is the difference between a Request (REQ) number and a Request Item (RITM) number?
A Request (REQ) Number is assigned to the overall request which may include several requested items.
A Request Item (RITM) Number is assigned to each individual item that you have requested.
You will often see both an REQ and RITM number for the requests that you submit, although occasionally you will only see an RITM number.

- The Request (REQ) number for your overall request.
- The Request Item (RITM) numbers for each individual requested item in that Request (REQ).
What number should I provide to the Help Desk when checking on the status of a request?
Both are acceptable, but often it is most helpful to provide the specific Request Item (RITM) number to the Help Desk as that allows them to directly access the status of the specific item. If you provide an REQ number, the Help Desk technician will have to then have to find the RITM number and select it to view the status.
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