How to Cancel Registration
These instructions cover how to cancel registration for an instructor-led (ILT) training or online training.
Note: You cannot cancel registration for an assigned compliance course.
Canceling Registration
Step 1:
Log in to Titan Training Hub (TTH), formerly Employee Training Center (ETC)
Click the Self button on the top left-hand corner of the dashboard.

Step 2:
Click on Learning

Step 3:
Under Learning, select Registrations

Step 4:
You will be taken to the Training Schedule page
Check the check box for the ILT class(es) you would like to cancel
Step 5:
Click on the Cancel Registration button

Step 6:
The Cancellation Confirmation page will display with the ILT class(es) you would like to cancel
Click on the Confirm Cancellation button
Note: The confirmation will show cancellation for the ILT course as well.
If you have other ILT classes under this ILT course you did not select for cancellation, you will remain registered for them.
Your page will refresh to only show your current registrations
Need More Help?
Please contact the Titan Training Hub (TTH), formerly the Employee Training Center (ETC) at:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 657-278-2064