How to Get TTH Administrative Access
This guide covers how to get administrative access for the Titan Training Hub (formerly Employee Training Center).
Step 1:
Email the Titan Training Hub (formerly Employee Training Center) at [email protected] to request access.
Upon verification of appropriate business needs, the Titan Training Hub (TTH) will assign an Administrative Access Training.
Step 2:
Take training
Go on and click on TTH Login.
We recommend using Google Chrome as your browser to take your training.
Step 3:
After logging in, you will be taken to the Titan Training Hub (TTH) Dashboard.
Click on the Assigned Learning tile.
Step 4:
Take the Administrative Access Training.
Step 5:
After you have completed the training notify the Titan Training Hub.
The Titan Training Hub will schedule a brief meeting with you to understand your business needs and how we can support you.
Step 6:
Upon meeting and verifying training completion, the Titan Training Hub will grant appropriate access and notify you via email.