How to Create an ILT Course
These instructions cover how to create an ILT Course in the Titan Training Hub (TTH), formerly the Employee Training Center (ETC).
Click on any of the links below to expand for a detailed step-by-step process.
Table of Contents
Creating an ILT Course
Step 2:
Click on the Administration Dropdown Menu

Step 3:
Click on Quick Links

Step 4:
Click on Learning Activities

Step 5:
The screen will refresh to the Activity Management page
Click on the New Activity button in the upper right corner

Step 6:
Next, select ILT Course from the drop down menu

Step 7:
The screen will refresh to show the New Activity
Step 8:
From there, enter in all the required information as indicated by the red asterisks
1) For the Name, enter the display name of the course
2) Leave the Primary Domain as Fullerton
3) Leave Activity type as ILT Course
4) For the Code section, be sure to follow the Naming Convention.
FULLERTON in all caps, underscore, 3-4 capital letters to represent the department and 3-4 numbers to represent the course

Step 9:
Once all required information has been entered, click on the Optional button located in the lower right corner
Step 10:
Go to Optional Information, under Configure general Properties for your activity and select Status

Step 11:
Next, select the Active and Can be Subscribed checkboxes
Step 12:
From the Status drop down bar, select Active.
Step 13:
Once all information has been entered, click on the OK button in the lower right corner
Step 14:
From there, the screen will refresh
Click on Validate for Production in the lower left corner

Step 15:
Once the screen refreshes, click on Move to Production
Step 16:
Your ILT course has now been created
Click on Close, in the lower right corner