Naming Convention (Advanced)

This guide covers various naming conventions for use in the Titan Training Hub (TTH). The naming convention should be used for all learning activities, organizations, and audiences. If you need help determining which is the appropriate activity to create, please contact the TTH.

Table of Contents

Naming Convention for Activities

The naming convention for activities is DOMAINID-ACTIVITY TYPE-ACTIVITY REFERENCE

  • DOMAINID= Campus (you will always put "FULLERTON")
  • ACTIVITY TYPE= Depending on what type of activity you are creating, you will select one of the following:
    • ILTCRSE= ILT Course
    • ILTCLSS= ILT Class
    • CURRIC= Curriculum
    • VIR=Virtual Session
  • ACTIVITY REFERENCE= This may vary from department to department, however it should consist of 3-4 letters representing the department and 3-4 numbers representing the activity number. 
    • Example: 
    • EHS may use the following for their activity reference   EHS500
      • 'EHS' signifying the department
      • '500' signifying the activity number

Example of complete Course ID (using the naming convention)

Parking and Transportation may list their course as:                  FULLERTON-ILTCRSE-PTS001

Environmental Health & Safety, may list their ILT Class as:         FULLERTON-ILTCLSS-EHS100

Naming Convention for Audiences

Understanding Audiences:

  • Audiences group users together based upon rules and rule sets
  • Organizations, Jobs and other user attributes can be leveraged for audiences

We recommend consulting with the TTH prior to creating Audiences.

The naming convention for audiences should follow:  DOMAINID-AUDI-AUDIENCE REFERENCE

  • DOMAINID= Campus (you will always put "FULLERTON")
  • AUDI= Activity Type (leave as "AUDI")
  • AUDIENCE REFERENCE= This consists of 3-4 letters representing the training the Audience is assigned to


A Conflict of Interest Audience would be listed as:         FULLERTON-AUDI-COI    

A Defensive Drivers Audience would be listed as:           FULLERTON-AUDI-DD

Naming Convention for Organizations

Understanding Organizations:

  • Organizations are groups of users based on assignment requirements
  • Adding users to Organizations is the CSU recommended way to assign users to activities
  • Organizations are managed by the designated course owner

The proper naming convention for organizations is DOMAINID-ASGN-ORGANIZATION REFERENCE

  • DOMAINID= Campus (you will always put "FULLERTON")
  • ASGN= Activity Type (leave as "ASGN")
  • ORGANIZATION REFERENCE= This consists of 3-4 letters representing the training the Organization is created for and 3-4 letters representing the training 


A Respiratory Protection Organization would be listed as:                                                     FULLERTON-ASGN-EHSRP

A Procurement Card Industry Standards Organization would be listed as:                     FULLERTON-ASGN-CPPCI

Online Training

The naming convention for Online trainings is DOMAINID-ACTIVITY TYPE-ACTIVITY REFERENCE

  • DOMAINID= Campus (you will always put "FULLERTON")
  • ACTIVITY TYPE= OC to reference Online Course
  • ACTIVITY REFERENCE= This may vary from department to department, however it should consist of 3-4 letters representing the department and 3-4 numbers representing the activity number


A TTH Admin Access Course  would be listed as:                                FULLERTON-OC-TTH0102

A IRA Post Award Funding Course would be listed as:                     FULLERTON-OC-IRAPAO