How to Run a Report

These instructions cover how to access and run a report within the Employee Training Center.

Running a Report

Step 1:

Start on the dashboard homepage of the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH), formerly Employee Training Center (ETC).

Fullerton Training Hub Dashboard

Step 2: 

Next, click on the Self link located at the top left corner

Arrow pointing to Self icon

Step 3: 

Select Advanced Reporting

Arrow pointing to Advanced Reporting

Step 4: 

The screen will refresh to the Repository page

Repository page

On the left side, click on the CSU_PROD folder caret

Arrow pointing to CSU PROD Folder

Step 5: 

Click on the Custom folder caret

Arrow pointing to Custom folder

Step 6: 

Click on the Reports folder caret

Arrow pointing to Reports folder

Step 7:

Click on the FULLERTON folder

Arrow pointing to Fullerton folder

Step 8:

Select your department folder 

Highlight of department list

Step 9: 

Click on the report name link to run

Highlight of report

Make sure that your selection is showing as Report under the Type column

Highlight of Report Type

Note: The length of time the Loading windows shows depends on the size of your report

Loading screen

Step 10: 

To export the report, click on the Export icon on the upper left side of the screen

Select Excel

Arrow pointing to export icon


Employees must be "Registered" to a course in order for their training status to be displayed on a report.

Step 11:

Locate your report (in your Downloads folder)

Open the report

Step 12: 

It is recommended to follow the additional steps for viewing ease:

  • Click Sort & Filter
  • Select Filter (to apply filters)
Excel file with data

Now you can view the information accordingly

Example: You can filter to see all employee who are Overdue

Arrow pointing to filter selection screen

Report data has a delay of up to 24 hours. 

Meaning, it may take up to 24 hours for a updated training status to show as updated on the report.

Reports - Shortcut

You can also quickly access the report(s) from the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH) - formerly Employee Training Center (ETC) dashboard homepage. See below instructions.

Step 1:

Start on the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH) dashboard homepage. 

Fullerton Training Hub Dashboard Homepage

Step 2:

In the search bar in the upper right corner, Click the dropdown menu and change the selection to Reports.

Arrow pointing to Reports in the dropdown menu in search bar

Step 3:

Type the report title in the Search field.

Click the magnifying glass to start the search.

Arrow pointing to search bar

Step 4: 

Search results will populate on a new page.

Click on the Execute button to run the appropriate report.

Arrow pointing to the Execute button

The report will start loading

Note: The length of time the Loading windows shows depends on the size of your report.

Loading screen

Once the report loads, you can view or export the report.

Report screen

Need More Help?

For more help, please contact the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH), formerly Employee Training Center (ETC):