SSRC: Installing CATI for MAC
The following guide provides instructions for installing the CATI software on your MAC.
Step 1:
Click on the Installing CATI for MAC Dropbox link to access the file
Step 2:
Click on the file named: INTER 6.0.exe
Step 3:
Click Download

Step 4:
Click and drag the downloaded file from the bottom bar of your web browser to your desktop

You can now access the CATI application by double clicking on the file
Step 5:
Enter your username: (This will be ad\, then your staff username without the
- If your staff email is [email protected]
- Your login would be: ad\pparker
Enter your password
Your password is the same password associated with your staff email

Step 6:
A connecting to the RDP host message will pop-up
Click the Continue button

The screen will indicate "Securing to remote PC..."

Step 7:
The screen will refresh to a DUO Authenticate window
You should receive an automatic DUO verification based on your set preferences
Authenticate appropriately

The page CATI will then open to the Log on screen