IT Knowledge BaseTraining InformationTitan Training Hub (TTH)ERP-OtherSubstitute Faculty Appointment Short Duration (SFASD) Form

Substitute Faculty Appointment Short Duration (SFASD) Form

This guide will walk you through the steps of filling out and submitting a Substitute FacultyAppointment Short Duration Form. Please note, a workflow is also provided for reference.


START: The process begins when the form is initiated by the preparer which can be the Dept. Coordinator. 

END: The process concludes when the Preparer, AHRS, and Payroll receive a copy of the completed form. See the Notifications guide for an example.


To login, please see the Accessing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) guide for instructions

Please see the Form Navigation for information on how to navigate the form through the various buttons and links

Initiating Form

Step 1:

Type in 'Sub' in the search field

Arrow pointing to 'Sub'

Step 2:

Select the Substitute Faculty Appointment for Short Duration Form coordinating 'paper airplane' icon to launch the form

Arrow pointing to paper airplane icon

Step 3:

Enter the CWID for the Faculty requesting the Substitute Faculty Appointment

Arrow pointing to CWID field

Upon entering the CWID, the Name field will populate

Highlight of Name field populated

Step 4:

Enter the CMS position number into the CMS Position Number field

Arrow pointing to CMS Position Number field

Step 5: 

Enter the Unit Number for Substitute Assignment

Arrow pointing to Position Number for Substitute field

Step 6:

Click on the Calendar icons to open the calendar 

Arrow pointing to Calendar icons

Note: Substitute assignment may not exceed 20 days

Designate the dates for the Effective Date and the Projected End Date fields

Arrow pointing to Calendar

Salary ranges are referenced from the CSU Salary Schedule

Step 7:

Click on the Additional Information tab

Arrow pointing to Additional Information tab

Step 8:

Select the appropriate Compensation Range

Arrow pointing to Range options

Step 9:

Enter the work location

Arrow pointing to Work Location field

Step 10:

Indicate if the faculty is currently employed at CSUF by selecting Yes or No

Arrow pointing to Current CSUF employment status question

Step 11:

Enter the Substitute Assignment and the Substitute Assignment Course Number(s)

Arrow pointing to Substitute agreement Assignment and Course Numbers fields

Step 12:
Enter the total number of hours for Lecture and Lab/Activity

Round total number hours to the tenth place

For example, If the faculty worked a total of 17.25, the nearest tenth would be 17.3

Arrow pointing to Total Number of Hours fields

Once the total number of Hours for Lecture and Lab/Activity, the Compensation fields will update accordingly

Highlight of calculated hours

Step 13:

Enter the name of the faculty requiring a substitute

Arrow pointing to Name of faculty field

Step 14:

Enter a reason for the substitute request

Arrow pointing to Reason field

Step 15: (Optional)

Add any additional comments in the Additional Comments field

Arrow pointing to Additional Comments field

Step 16:

Click on the Estimated Hours Worksheet tab 

Arrow pointing to Estimated Hours Worksheet tab

Step 17:

Read the note at the top of the page

Highlight of Worksheet verbiage

Step 18:

Enter hours as appropriate 

Arrow pointing to Days for Hours fields


  • You can click on each box or tab through
  • Utilize the scroll bar to reach the dates at the end of the month
Arrow pointing to scroll bar

Step 19:

Enter hours worked for the second and third month (if applicable)

Arrow pointing to 2nd and 3rd month fields

Step 20:

Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab 

Arrow pointing to Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 21:

Check the acknowledgement checkbox to indicate you have completed a review of the form

Arrow pointing to Acknowledgement checkbox

Upon checking the box, the Name and Date field will populate

Highlight of Name and Date fields populated

Step 22:

Enter the extension in the Extension field

Arrow pointing to the extension field

Step 23:

Click on the Submit button 

Arrow pointing to the Submit button

The screen will refresh to show a submittal confirmation 

Submittal confirmation screen

You will receive an email notification when a form is completed

Academic HR Review

You will receive an email notification when a form is submitted


You can click on View Form link or access the form via HRDI Forms

Step 1:

Click on the document title link

Arrow pointing to document Title link

Step 2:

Click on the Proceed button 

Arrow pointing to Proceed button

Step 3:

Click on the Employee Information, Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet tabs to review the information provided

Arrow pointing to the Employee Information, Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet

Step 4:

Check the acknowledgement checkbox to indicate you have completed the review

Arrow pointing to Acknowledgement checkbox

Step 5:(Optional)

Add any comments in the Comments field

Arrow pointing to Comments field

Step 6:

When you are ready, click on the Submit button 

Arrow pointing to Submit button

Step 7:(Optional)

Add any comments in the Comments(Optional) field

Arrow pointing to Comments(Optional) field

Step 8:

Click on the Confirm button 

Arrow pointing to Confirm button

Step 9:

Click on the OK button 

Arrow pointing to OK button
Department Chair

Step 1:

Click on the document title link

Arrow pointing to document Title link

You can click on View Form link or access the form via HRDI Forms

Step 2:

Click on the Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet tabs to review information provided

Arrow pointing to Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet tabs

Step 3:

Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab 

Arrow pointing to Signature and Acknowledge tab

Step 4:

Review any comments provided by other reviewers in the Comments fields

Arrows pointing to Comments fields

Step 5:

Check the acknowledgement checkbox to indicate you have completed the review

Arrow pointing to Acknowledgement checkbox

The Signature field will populate upon checking the box

Arrow pointing to populated Signature field

Step 6: (Optional)

Leave any additional comments in the Comments field

Arrow pointing to Comments field

Step 7:

Click on the Submit button to submit the form

Arrow pointing to Submit button

Step 8: (Optional)

Leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Arrow pointing to Comments(Optional) field

Step 9:

Click the Confirm button 

Arrow pointing to Confirm button

Step 10:

Click on the OK button 

Arrow pointing to Ok button

Access the form via HRDI Forms

Step 1:

Click on the document title link

Arrow pointing to document title link

Step 2:

Click on the Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet tabs to review information provided

Arrow pointing to Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet tabs

Step 3:

Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab 

Arrow pointing to Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 4:

Review the Comments field for any comments/information provided

Arrows pointing to Comments fields

Step 5:

Click on the acknowledgement checkbox to indicate you have completed the review

Arrow pointing to Acknowledgement checkbox

The Signature field will populate upon checking the acknowledgement checkbox

Arrow pointing to Signature field populated

Step 6: (Optional)

Leave any comments in the Comments field

Arrow pointing to Comments field

Step 7:

Click the Submit button 

Arrow pointing to Submit button

Step 8: (Optional)

Leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Arrow pointing to Comments(Optional) field

Step 9:

Click on the Confirm button 

Arrow pointing to Confirm button

Step 10:

Click on the OK button 

Arrow pointing to Ok button
Substitute Faculty

You will receive an email notification when a form is submitted


You can click on View Form link or access the form via HRDI Forms

Step 1:

Click on the document title link

Arrow pointing to document title link

Step 2:

Click on the Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet tabs to review information provided

Arrow pointing to Additional Information and Estimated Hours Worksheet tabs

Step 3:

Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab 

Arrow pointing to Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 4:

Review the Comments fields for any information provided

Arrow pointing to Comments field

Step 5:

Click on the acknowledgement checkbox to indicate you have completed the review

Arrow pointing to Acknowledgement checkbox

The Signature field will populate upon checking the box

Arrow pointing to Signature field populated

Step 6: (Optional)

Leave a comment in the Comments field

Arrow pointing to Comments field

Step 7:

Click on the Submit button 

Arrow pointing to Submit button

Step 8: (Optional)

Leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Arrow pointing to Comments(Optional) field

Step 9:

Click on the Confirm button 

Arrow pointing to Confirm button

Step 10:

Click on the OK button 

Arrow pointing to OK button

Upon completion of the form, a copy will be sent to appropriate parties


Need More Help?

Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.