TA Substitute Appointment (TASA) Form
This guide walks you through filling out and submitting the TA Substitute Appointment Form.

START: The process begins when the form is initiated by the preparer which can be the Dept. Coordinator.
END: The process concludes when the Preparer receives a copy of the completed form. Payroll and AHR are cc'd a completed copy of the form. See Notifications section for an example.
Please see the Form Navigation for information on how to navigate the form through the various buttons and links
To login, please see the Accessing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) guide for instructions
Step 1:
Enter the Employee CWID
The Name field will populate when CWID is entered
Step 2:
Enter the Unit Number for Substitute Assignment
Step 3:
Enter the CMS Position Number
Note: This number is associated with the job code 2453 for the department
The following fields will populate when CMS Position Number is entered:
- Department Name
- Department ID
- Departmental Unit Number
Step 4:
Click on the Calendar icons to designate the Term Effective Date and Term End Date
You can click on the Month caret or Up / Down arrow to make selections

Step 5:
Enter the appropriate amount of hours in the Current number of hours employed at CSUF before substitute assignment field
Step 6:
Click on the Course Information tab

Step 7:
Enter the appropriate course number(s) in the Substitute Assignment Course Number(s) field
Step 8:
Enter the hourly rate and the total number of hours in the designated fields
The Total Compensation field will populate when you enter in the Total number of hours field
Step 9:
Enter the base pay in the Base Pay field
Step 10:
Enter the appropriate name in the Name of teaching associate requiring substitute field
Step 11:
If appropriate, enter a reason in the Reason field
Step 12: (Optional)
If you would like, leave comments in the Additional Comments field
Step 13: (Optional)
Click the Supporting Documents (Optional) tab

Step 14: (Optional)
Click the Attach button to attach a document
Attached documents will show under the Attach button
Step 15:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 16:
Check the acknowledgement checkbox to acknowledge that you have completed the review
The Name field will populate upon checking the box
Step 17:
Enter the appropriate extension in the Extension field
Step 18: (Optional)
If you would like to leave comments, you can leave them in the Comments field
Step 19:
Click the Submit button
Reminder, please see the Navigation guide for button actions
The page will refresh to show a submittal confirmation screen

In order for a substitute teaching associate to be paid, a positive attendance report must be completed showing the actual hours worked in each pay period. It must be submitted separately from other attendance forms to Payroll Services no later than the day following the end of the pay period.
For appointments spanning over multiple pay periods, a separate attendance report must be filed for each pay period. Payment is normally made on the 15th of the month following processing of the appointment.
Step 1:
Click on the Employee Information and Course Information tabs to review information provided
Step 2:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 2:
Review the Comments field to see if any comments were provided
Step 3:
Check the acknowledgement checkbox to acknowledge that you have completed the review
The Signature field will populate upon checking the box
Step 4: (Optional)
Leave comments in the Comments field

Step 5:
Click the Submit button
Step 6: (Optional)
If you would like, leave comments in the Comments (Optional) field

Step 7:
Click the Confirm button

Step 8:
Click the OK button

Step 1:
Click on the Employee Information and Course Information tabs to review information provided
Step 2:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 3:
Review the Comments field to see if any comments were provided
Step 4:
Check the acknowledgement checkbox to acknowledge that you have completed the review
The Signature field will populate upon checking the box

Step 5: (Optional)
Leave comments in the Comments field
Step 6:
Click the Submit button
Step 7:
If you would like, leave comments in the Comments (Optional) field

Step 8:
Click on the Confirm button

Step 9:
Click on the OK button

Step 1:
Click on the Proceed button

Step 2:
Click on the Employee Information and Course Information tabs to review information provided
Step 3:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 4:
Review the Comments field to see if any comments were provided
Step 5:
Check the acknowledgement checkbox to acknowledge that you have completed the review
The Signature field will populate upon checking the box
Step 6:
Leave comments in the Comments field
Step 7:
Click on the Submit button
Step 8:
If you would like, leave comments in the Comments (Optional) field

Step 9:
Click on the Confirm button

Step 10:
Click the OK button

Step 1:
Click on the Employee Information and Course Information tabs to review information provided
Step 2:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 3:
Review the Comments field to see if any comments were provided
Step 4:
Check the acknowledgement checkbox to acknowledge that you have completed the review
The Signature field populates upon checking the checkbox
Step 5: (Optional)
Leave comments in the Comments field
Step 6:
Click the Submit button
Step 7:
If you would like, leave comments in the Comments (Optional) field

Step 8:
Click the Confirm button

Step 9:
Click the OK button

Need More Help?
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.