How to Assign an ILT Class

These instructions cover how to assign a ILT class in the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH), formerly Employee Training Center (ETC).

An ILT Class stands for 'Instructor-Led Training', also referred to as 'In-Person' Training. 

Table of Contents

Course Roster

Step 1: 

 Log into the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH) Dashboard

FTH homepage

Step 2:

Select the Administration drop-down menu

FTH homepage with admin link

Step 3:

Click on Learning Activities

Admin menu with arrow pointing to learning actvities

Step 4:

The screen will refresh to the Activity Management page

Activity Management

Step 5:

Enter a course name or ID and click on the Magnifying Glass (Search) icon

Arrow pointing to the activity management search button

Step 6:

The screen will refresh to show a list of ILT Course / Class offerings

list of activities

Step 7:

To the right of the desired class, click on the caret next to the Edit button

Note: Check the activity type is "ILT Class" by looking under Activity Type.

Arrow to course edit menu

Step 8:

 Select Manage Roster

Arrow pointing to the Manage Roster edit menu option

Step 9:

The screen will refresh to show the Activity Roster

Activity roster page
How to Add Users

Step 10:

 Click on the Add button from the Activity Roster page

Arrow pointing to the add user button

Step 11:

The screen will refresh to show the Batch Registration page

Batch Registration Page

On the right side of the screen, click on the Continue button

Batch registration with arrow pointing to the continue button

Step 12:

The screen will expand to show the Batch Registration page

This will show:

  • Available Users (1)
  • Registration (2)  
  • Waiting List (3)
Batch registration page

Step 13:

 To add users / assign users, click on Add under Available Users

Arrow pointing to add option available users

Step 14:

A pop up window will prompt you to select a category of user

The default option is ‘Select viewable users’. This will show all users in the CSU Fullerton domain.

Select users page

Step 15:

Click on the radio button to the left of the appropriate category.

Select users window

Step 16:

 On the bottom right side, click on the Next button

Arrow pointing to the next button

Step 17:

A pop-up window will open with a list of Campus Users (according to your selection) to select from

Available campus users page

Step 18:

To search for a specific campus user, type their name into the search bar

 Enter the last name, then first name.

Arrow pointing to the search for specific users

Step 19:

Select the desired users by clicking the appropriate check box next to their name

 You may select more than one

Arrow pointing to the radio buttons next to selected users

Step 20:

Once all your users are selected, click on the OK button in the bottom right corner

Arrow pointing to the ok button

Step 21:

The list of selected users will generate under Available Users

Available users with selections

Step 22:

 To add a user to the Registration list, click on the appropriate checkbox to the left of the desired user(s)

Radio buttons checked next to select users

Step 23:

 Next, click on the arrow button next to the Registration list

Arrow pointing to arrow to move users

Step 24:

The user(s) will now show up under Registration

Registration section

Skip to Step 28, if you do not want to add user(s) to the waitlist.

Step 25:

 To add a user to the Wait list, select the box to the left of the appropriate 

Arrow pointing to available users checkbox

Step 26:

 Click on the arrow button next to the Waiting List section

Arrow pointing to arrow that moves users to wait list

Step 27:

The users will now show up in the Waiting List section

Waiting list page

Step 28:

 Then, click on the Submit button

Arrow pointing to submit button

Need More Help?

Please contact the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH), formerly Employee Training Center (ETC) at: