MPP Performance Evaluation Form
Once the Self-Evaluation has been completed, you can access it through:
1. The link in the email (shown below)
2. The forms portal
Step 1:
Indicate if you would like to copy values from a previous year by clicking the Yes or No radial dial
Copying values from a previous year:
- will bring over ratings (Performance Factors / Ratings)
- will not populate any supporting documents (Supporting Statement for Ratings tab)
- will not populate information if the manager differs from the previous evaluation that you’re trying to copy
- will not populate information if the employee is in a new position
Step 2:
Based on your answer to 'Do you want to copy values from previous year?'
- If you answered Yes, continue to Step 3
- If you answered No, skip to Step 11
Step 3:
Enter the Employee ID for the person you are creating a evaluation for
Step 4:
Click the Copy values from previous year button to see value options
Step 5:
Click the radial dial for the appropriate option
Step 6:
Click the Ok button
Step 7:
The screen will refresh to show the populated data based on your selection
Step 8:
Click through each tab to review data, make changes or add information.
Step 9:
Click on the Supporting Documents tab
Click the Attach button to add any supporting documentation that is appropriate
Reminder: Supporting documents are not brought over when copying values from a previous year
Step 10:
Click on the Submit button to submit the form
Upon successful completion you will receive a confirmation message
An email notification is sent to the:
- Employee
- Manager
notifying that the evaluation is sent to employee for review
Step 11: Employee Information
Enter Employee CWID
Hit the tab key to populate information
Step 12:
Select Evaluation Type
Step 13:
Verify the date range is reflective of the Evaluation Type
To edit, click in the date field

Step 14: Employee Self Evaluation
Review the information provided
Step 15: Performance Factors / Ratings
Select the appropriate ratings for the required fields:
A: Conceptual Skills
B: Interpersonal Skills
C: Technical Skills
D: Overall Rating
Step 16: Performance Factors / Ratings
Enter supporting statements for each prompt.
Upon selecting the ratings, the Rating Suggestion field will populate
Step 17:
You can edit the Overall Rating to your preference
Click the drop-down list and select your preference
Step 18: Supporting Statement for Ratings
Provide your statements supporting your ratings selections
Step 19: Supporting Documents
Review any documentation provided
Step 20:
Attach any supporting documentation
Step 21:
Click the Submit button
Upon successful completion you will receive a confirmation message

An email notification regarding the evaluation is sent to the:
- Employee
- Manager
Step 1:
Click on the My Tasks tab

Step 2:
Click the check box for the document you want to open
Step 3:
Click Open
Click on the document name link
Step 4:
Review the form (tabs)
Step 5:
Designate if you have input or not
If you have input proceed to Step 6
If you do not have input proceed to Step 10
Step 6:
Click on the Have Input button
Step 7:
A Confirm window will pop-up
Enter any additional comments in the Comment (Optional) field

Step 8:
Click on the Confirm button

Step 9:
Click on the OK button

The Supervisor will receive an email notification that they have a performance evaluation pending their review
Step 10 on - only if you selected No Input
Step 10:
Click the No Input button
Step 11:
A Confirm window will pop-up
Enter any additional comments in the Comment (Optional) field

Step 12:
Click on the Confirm button

Step 13:
Click on the OK button

The Supervisor will receive an email notification that they have a performance evaluation pending their review
Step 1:
Click on the My Tasks tab
Step 2:
Click on the Title name to open the document
Step 3:
Click on the Signature & Acknowledgment section
Step 4:
Check the affirmation statement checkbox
After checking the box, the Evaluator Name and Signature will populate
Step 5:
Click the Submit button

Step 6:
A Confirm window will pop-up
Enter any comments in the Comment (optional) field

Step 7:
Click the Confirm button

Step 8:
Click the OK button

An email notification will be sent indicating that there is a performance evaluation pending review
Step 1:
Click on the My Tasks tab
Step 2:
Check the box of the document to select it
Click the Open button
Click on the title name link to open the document
Step 3:
Review the information provided in the Supporting Documents section
Step 4:
Review the information provided in the tabs
Step 5:
To complete the form and send to Appropriate Administrator
Click on the Signature & Acknowledgement section
Step 6:
Click on the "I affirm" statement
Your signature will populate upon checking the box
Step 7:
Click the Submit button

Step 8:
A Confirm window will pop-up
Add any comments in the Comment (Optional) field

Step 9:
Click the Confirm button

Step 7:
Click the OK button

A email notification will be sent to the appropriate administrator
Step 1:
Click on the My Tasks tab

Step 2:
Click on the checkbox for the document you would like to open
Step 3:
Click the Open button
Step 4:
Click on the Signature & Acknowledgement section
Step 3:
Check the box under Appropriate Administrator Section to indicate you have completed the review
Your signature will populate when you check the box

Step 4:
Click Send to HRDI

Step 5:
Add any comments in the Comment (Optional) field

Step 6:
Click the Confirm button

Step 7:
Click the OK button to exit

An email is sent to the HRDI team
Step 1:
Select the document and click Open

Step 2:
Click the Proceed button

Step 3:
Review the document
Check the box under the HRDI Signature section to indicate that you have completed the review

Step 4:
Click the Complete button

Need More Help?
For questions or assistance, please contact HRDI at: