How to Create a Recurring Certification

These instructions cover how to create a recurring certification (also known as recurring assignment/requirement) for an online class in the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH), formerly Employee Training Center (ETC)

Table of Contents

Finding the Class

Step 1:

Log in the Fullerton Training Hub (FTH) Dashboard

Fullerton Training Hub dashboard / homepage.

Step 2:

Click on the Administration dropdown on the top of the ETC Dashboard

Arrow pointing to Administration Icon.

Step 3:

Click on Learning Activities in Quick Links.

Arrow pointing to Learning Activities.

Step 4:

The screen will refresh to the Activity Management page

Enter the name of the desired online training into the Search field

It is best to search by course ID to minimize the number of results

Arrow pointing to text in Search field on Activity Management page.

Step 5:

Click on the Magnifying Glass icon to search for the class

Arrow pointing to Search button.

The page will refresh to show search results

Highlighted class name on Activity Management page.
Setting the Class to Recur

Step 1:

On the right side of the screen, click the Edit button for the desired course

Arrow pointing to Edit button.

Step 2:

The page will refresh to show the Learning Activity Properties page

On the bottom left side, click on the Send To Stage button to make edits to the desired training

Arrow pointing to Send to Stage button.

Step 3:

On the bottom right side of the screen, click on the Optional button

Arrow pointing to Optional button.

Step 4:

Under Optional Information, Configure General Properties for Your Activity, click the Certification link

Arrow pointing to Certification link.

Step 5:

The screen will refresh to show the Configure General Properties page

Under Certification, check the box next to Activity is a Certification

Arrow pointing to box outlining Activity is a certification text with checkmarked box.

Step 6:

Under Expiration Date, click on the radio button next to Expires [    ] Days After Completion

Arow pointing to box outlining Expires # days of completion.

Step 7:

Enter the desired number of days you would like the certification to recur


365 days = 1 year

730 days = 2 years

Arrow pointing to # field.

Step 8:

Next, click on the OK button on the bottom right-hand side of the screen now that you have specified the days the class will recur

Arrow pointing to OK button.

Step 9:

Click on the Validate For Production button on the bottom left side of the screen

Arrow pointing to Validate for Production button.

Step 10:

Click on the Move To Production button

Arrow pointing to Move to Production button.

The page will then refresh to a loading screen

Loading screen.

Step 11:

A confirmation message indicating the activity was successfully moved to production will show up on the top of the page

Arrow pointing to green confirmation mesage.