How to Create a Wait List for an ILT Class
These instructions cover how to add a wait list to an existing ILT Class in the Titan Training Hub (TTH).
If you are creating an ILT class, please refer to the How to Create an ILT Class guide.
When an ILT class reaches maximum capacity, users who register for this class can get added to the wait list, depending on the class settings.
There are three wait list options for an ILT class:
- None: There is no wait list. No user can register once the ILT class reaches capacity.
- Standard: When a spot becomes available for registration, all users on the wait list are notified. Registration is done on a first-come, first-serve basis. No priority is given based on the date/time a user was added to the wait list.
- Smart: When a spot becomes available for registration, users are notified in the order that they were added to the wait list (from first to last).
If you do not set up any wait list options as listed above, the default for ILT Classes is to allow the users to register for the class on a waiting list,. However, the instructor or course owner will need to manually move the user(s) from the wait list to the roster when a spot becomes available. See How to Move a User from Wait List to Roster guide for more information.
Users with TTH Admin Access may override wait list settings and register for a class even when it has reached maximum capacity.
During the registration process, these users will see that there are no seats available, but they can still proceed with the registration. Their status will show as "Registered," not "Waiting List" under their Assigned Learning after registration is completed.
No wait list: No user can register once the ILT class reaches capacity.
Follow the instructions below to set a No wait list for an ILT class.
Step 1:
Locate the class through Learning Activities
Step 2:
Click the Edit button that corresponds to the ILT class

Step 3:
On the class page, click Send To Stage in the lower left corner

Step 4:
Click View Tracks in the upper left corner

Step 5:
The page will refresh. Click Waiting List under Properties

Step 6:
The page will refresh. Click the drop-down menu and select None

Step 7:
Click OK on the bottom right corner of the page

Step 8:
Once the page refreshes, click View Activities on the upper left to return to the class details page

Step 9:
Click Validate for Production in the bottom left of the page

Step 10:
Click Move To Production once the page refreshes

When a user tries to register for a class that has reached max capacity with a No wait list option, they will see an error message indicating that the activity is at maximum capacity and registration is blocked.

Standard wait list: When a spot becomes available for registration, ALL users on the wait list are notified. Registration is done on a first-come, first-serve basis. No priority is given based on the date/time a user was added to the wait list.
Follow the instructions below to set up a Standard wait list for an ILT class.
Step 1:
Locate the class through Learning Activities
Step 2:
Click the Edit button that corresponds to the ILT class

Step 3:
On the class page, click Send To Stage in the lower left corner

Step 4:
Click View Tracks in the upper left corner

Step 5:
The page will refresh. Click Waiting List under Properties

Step 6:
The page will refresh. Click the drop-down menu and select Standard

Step 7:
Click OK on the bottom right corner of the page.

Step 8:
Once the page refreshes, click View Activities on the upper left to return to the class details page

- Reminder:
- When a user is added to a wait list, they can only register for the class if they click the link sent to them via a Waiting List Notification.
- The appropriate notification type must be activated when using a Standard Wait List.
Step 9:
Click the Optional button in the bottom right-hand corner

Step 10:
Under Notifications, click System

Step 11:
The System page will display.
The view will default to show all notifications (Active and Inactive).
Step 12:
Type Registration - Waiting List Notification into the Search bar and click the magnifying glass to search.

Step 13:
Click the checkbox next to Registration - Waiting List Notification

Step 14:
Click Activate

Step 15:
Click OK in the bottom right corner

Step 16 :
Click Validate for Production in the bottom left of the page.

Step 17:
Click Move To Production once the page refreshes.

When a user tries registering for a class that reached max capacity with a Standard Wait List option, they will see a message indicating that the activity is at maximum capacity. They will be put on a wait list.

When a spot opens up, ALL registrants on the Standard Wait List will receive email notifications at the same time.
The email will include a link to allow the user to accept the seat and register. This is done on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Tip: Contact TTH for assistance with creating CSUF custom notifications for classes.

To view users on a wait list, please refer to the How to Move a User from Wait List to Roster guide.
Smart Wait List: When a spot becomes available for registration, users are notified in the order that they were added to the wait list (from first to last).
Follow the instructions below to set up a Smart Wait List for an ILT class.
Step 1:
Locate the class through Learning Activities.
Step 2:
Click the Edit button that corresponds to the ILT class.

Step 3:
On the class page, click Send To Stage in the lower left corner.

Step 4:
Click View Tracks in the upper left corner

Step 5:
The page will refresh. Click Waiting List under Properties

Step 6:
The page will refresh. Click the drop-down menu and select Smart

Step 7:
For Smart wait list, you'll also need to set the Smart waiting list expiration date/time and the Smart waiting list hold time (hours)

A. Date that the Smart waiting list will expire:
Click the calendar icon to select a date
After this date, a Smart wait list becomes a Standard wait list.
All users on a Standard wait list get notified when a spot becomes available, regardless of their order on the wait list.
B. Time that the Smart waiting list will expire:
Click the box to set a time
After this time, on the selected date, a Smart wait list becomes a Standard wait list.
All users on a Standard wait list get notified when a spot becomes available, regardless of their order on the wait list.
C. Smart waiting list hold time (hours): Type in the number of hours to hold a seat for a user on the wait list who has been notified of an available spot.
After the specified number of hours, if a user declines an open spot or does not accept the open spot, the system notifies the next user on the wait list to offer them the open spot.
Smart Wait List Tips:
- Set the Smart wait list to expire a few days or up to 1 week before the registration deadline or class start date to allow more registrations if spots open up last minute
- Set list hold time to be longer than 48 hours to allow time for users to register once notified
- Once notified, if the user on the wait list does not register within the allowed time frame, they will be removed from the wait list completely. They must register for the class again and start from the bottom of the wait list
Step 8: Click OK in the bottom right corner

Step 9:
Click View Activities on the upper left to return to the class details page

- When a user is added to a wait list, they can only register for the class if they click the link sent to them via a Waiting List Notification.
- The appropriate notification type must be activated when using a Smart Wait List.
Step 10:
Click the Optional button in the bottom right-hand corner

Step 11:
Under Notifications, click System

Step 12:
The System page will display.
The view will default to show all notifications (Active and Inactive).
Step 13:
Type Registration - Smart Waiting List Notification into the Search bar and click the magnifying glass to search.

Step 14:
Click the checkbox next to Registration - Smart Waiting List Notification

Step 15:
Click Activate

Step 16:
Click OK in the bottom right corner

Step 17:
Click Validate for Production in the bottom left of the page.

Step 18:
Click Move To Production once the page refreshes.

When a user tries to register for a class that has reached max capacity with a Smart wait list option, they will see a message indicating that the activity is at maximum capacity. They will be put on a wait list.

When a spot opens up, registrants on the Smart Wait List will get email notifications in the order that they were added to the wait list (from first to last).
The email will include a link to allow the user to accept the seat and register within the time frame set by the course owner.
Tip: Contact TTH for assistance with creating CSUF custom notifications for classes.

To view users on a wait list, please refer to the How to Move a User from Wait List to Roster guide.
Need More Help?
Please contact the TTH at:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 657-278-2064