Substitute TA Timesheet (STAT)
This guide walks you through filling out and submitting the Substitute TA Timesheet (STAT) Form.

START: The process begins when the form is initiated by the preparer which can be the Dept. Coordinator.
END: The process concludes when the Preparer receives a copy of the completed form. Payroll is CC'd a completed copy of the form for processing.
See the Notifications guide for examples.
To login, please see the Accessing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) guide for instructions
Please see the Form Navigation guide for information on how to navigate the form through the various buttons and links
Filling out the form
Step 1:
Enter the CWID in the Employee ID field
The First Name and the Last Name fields will populate upon entering the Employee ID
Step 2:
Enter the appropriate month and year in the Month/Year field
Step 3:
Enter the CMS Position Number and the Reporting Unit in the respective fields
Step 4:
Click on the Timesheet tab
Step 5:
Enter the hours the employee worked for each day worked
Use the scroll bar to access later dates
Step 6:
The Lecture Hours Total field will populate based on your entries in Step 5
Step 7:
Enter the appropriate code in the Range Code field (0-Teaching Associate)
Step 8:
Enter the hourly pay rate in the Hourly Rate of Pay field
The Total Payment Due field will populate upon entry of the Hourly Rate of Pay field
Step 9:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 10:
Check the acknowledgement checkbox to acknowledge you have completed the review
The Signature field will populate upon checking the acknowledgement checkbox
Step 11: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments field
Step 12:
Click the Submit button
The screen will refresh to show a submittal confirmation
Step 1:
Click on the Basic Details and Timesheet tabs to review information provided
Step 2:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 3:
Review the Comments field for any comments provided
Step 4:
Check the acknowledgement checkbox to indicate that you have completed the review

The Signature filed will populate upon checking the box
Step 5: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments field
Step 6:
Click the Submit button
Step 7: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Step 8:
Click on the Confirm button

Step 9:
Click on the OK button

Step 1:
Click on the Basic Details and the Timesheet tabs to review the information provided
Step 2:
Click the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 3:
Review the Comments fields for any comments provided
Step 4:
Check the box to indicate that you have completed your review

The Signature field will populate when the checkbox is checked
Step 5: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments field
Step 6:
Click on the Approve button
Step 7: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Step 8:
Click on the Confirm button

Step 9:
Click on the OK button

Need More Help?
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.