Change of Major / Minor - Faculty Processing
This guides provides instructions on how to process a Change of Major / Minor request.
Login to AEM
Step 1:
Locate the item you would like to process
Step 2:
Click on the document icon to select

The document icon will turn blue when selected

Step 3:
Click the Open button

Step 4: Optional
Click the Task Details link to close the side panel (for ease of viewing)
For tabs A-E, only the tabs with activity within them will show
Step 5:
Click on each tab (as available) to review the information provided

There will be a Department Signature section within one of the sections A-D provided
Department Signature
Step 6:
Check the box to verify stipulations have been met
Upon checking the box, your Signature will be populated
Step 7:
Indicate your decision of Approval or Denial
Step 8: Optional
Leave any comments in the Comments field
Student Signature
Step 9:
Click on the Student Signature tab
Step 10:
Review any information provided in the Comments section
Step 11:
When you are ready to Submit, click the Submit button
Step 12: Optional
Leave additional comments in the Comment field

Step 13:
Click the Confirm button

Step 14:
Click the Done button to exit

Login to AEM
Step 1:
Locate the request you would like to process and click on the document icon

The document icon will turn blue when selected

Step 2:
Click the Open button

Step 3: Optional
Click the Task Details link to close the side panel (for ease of view)
For tabs A-E, only the tabs with activity within them will show
Step 3:
Click on each tab (as available) to review the information provided

There will be a Department Signature section within one of the sections A-D provided
Department Signature
Step 4:
Check the box to confirm the stipulations in the University Policy have been met
Step 5:
Indicate your decision of Approval or Denial
Step 6: Optional
Leave any additional comments in the Comments field
Student Signature
Step 7:
Click on the Student Signature tab
Step 8:
Review any comments
Step 9:
When you are ready to submit, click the Submit button
Step 10:
Leave additional comments in the Comment field

Step 11:
Click on the Confirm button

Step 12:
Click on the Done button to exit