Faculty Instructions for Student Withdrawal
The instructions below cover information on how to process (review and submit) the Student Workflow Withdrawal Request.
1. Log in to the campus portal and select the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Workflow Inbox link.
Table of Contents
Step 1
Open the email from [email protected], subject: Student Course Withdrawal Request

Step 2
Click on the CSUF portal link
Follow the instructions
Or, click on the View AEM Form link
Step 3
You will be taken to the Adobe Experience Manager dashboard. Here you will see all Requests that pertain to you.
Click on the form icon to select the form

The icon will now show as selected

Step 4
Click the Open button to open the request

Click on Task Details to close side bar (optional for viewing ease).
Step 5
Click through the tabs to review the information provided
Before Submitting, please ensure that you have reviewed the the Student Workflow Withdrawal Request.
Step 6
Under the Supporting Documents, you may want to add documents relating to the case.
To add a document:
Click on Task Details to show side panel (if not already open)
Step 6.1
Click on the Attach Files(s) button to upload documents

The document will show under Task Attachments after it has been uploaded

Step 6.2
Click Save

Step 7 (Optional)
To remove a document
Click on the X corresponding to the document you want to remove
Step 8
When you have reviewed all of the information provided, Click on the Approval and Signature tab
Step 9
Scroll down to the Instructor Signature section and fill out the required fields.
Step 9a
Check the checkbox to indicate that you have completed the review
Step 9b
Select one of the options below:
- Estimated grade at the time of withdrawal
- No basis for evaluation (no exams or graded assignments)
Step 9c
Click the radial dial next to your decision to Approve or Decline the Student Workflow Withdrawal Request
If you select Denial, please indicate the appropriate denial reason from the drop-down list
If you Select 'Other' for a Denial Reason, you will be provided a field to specify the denial reason
Step 9d
Indicate the appropriate grade in the Grade field
Your Signature and Review Date will auto populate when you indicate that you have completed the review
Step 9e
Enter the last date the student attended your class by clicking in the Last Date Student Attended your class field
Step 9f
Enter your comments in the Comments field
At any time, you can click the Save button (in the upper left hand corner) to save your progress without Submitting the Request.
Step 10
When you are ready to submit the Student Workflow Withdrawal Request, click the Send To Chair button (in the upper left-hand corner)

Step 11
A Confirm window will pop-up giving you the option of adding comments.
If you are ready, click Confirm
If you do not want to submit the request yet, click Cancel
Reminder: to save your progress without submitting the request:
- click the Cancel button
- click on the Save button (in the upper left hand corner)
Step 12
Upon clicking the Confirm button, you will see a Status window indicating the task has been completed.
Click Done