Class Search
Accessing the Class Search
Step 1:
Click on Quick Links on the CSUF homepage.
Step 2:
Click on the Quick Links caret
Step 3:
Select Class Search
The screen will refresh to show the Class Search page
You can add the class search as a button in the Tiles widget in your portal.
Step 1:
Log into to the CSUF Portal.
View step-by-step instructions on how to log in to the campus portal.
Step 2:
To add the class search, click on the three dots at the top right corner of the Tiles widget.
Step 3:
Click on the Off button next to Class Schedule Search to add it to your Tiles.

Step 4:
The Class Schedule Search you selected should now show as On. To close the drop-down menu, just click your mouse anywhere outside the menu such as the white space at the top of the portal.

Step 5:
You can now click on Class Schedule Search to access the class search.
Step 6:
The class search page will appear.
The search key is available at the top of the Search Results page
Clicking on the Textbook icon will take you to the textbook information page

Textbook information page
Zero Cost
If the course has Zero Cost, the icon will show under the Textbooks column

Clicking on the Zero Cost icon will take you to a information page which notes there is Zero Cost Course Material.
If a syllabus is provided, it will show under the Syllabus column
Instructor Notes
If the Instructor provides any notes:
- The Instructor Notes icon will show under the Instructor Notes column
- You can click on the icon to see the note details
If a class is open for registration, it will show the (green) circle icon under the Status column

Classes that are below the enrollment cap and have a waitlist will show as open.
You will not be able to enroll in the class, but can add yourself to the waitlist.
If a class is closed for registration and does not have a waitlist, the (blue) square icon will show under the Status column

Wait List
If a class is closed for registration but has a waitlist, the (yellow) triangle icon will show under the Status column

If searching for a class with a waitlist, uncheck the Show Open Classes Only option to see waitlist available classes

New Search:
If you would like to start a new search from your Search Results page, click the New Search button
Modify Search:
If you would like to modify the search criteria from the Search Results page, click the Modify Search button
The Search page offers a variety of search criteria for your searching preference.
To begin
- First indicate the Term in Section A.
- Then you can select search preferences in section (B, C, D, E, F) at your discretion.
- Note: Section (B, C, D, E, F) can be used alone or in conjunction with one another
Designate the Term in Search for Classes - Section A

Step 1:
Click on the Term caret to see the options

Step 2:
Select the appropriate term

Click on the any of the caret drop-downs to see the various options

Select the appropriate subject (listed alphabetically)

Course Number
For best search results, it is recommended to select the 'greater than or equal to' option

If using the Course Number feature, indicate the course number
- 'greater than or equal to' will allow a search of a series e.g. 100

Course Career:
Click the Course Career caret to select a category of classes

Show Open Classes Only:
Uncheck the box to see all results (including closed and waitlist classes)

Course Attribute:
Click on the Course Attribute caret to see options

Select appropriate option for your search preference

Course Attribute Value
The options available in Course Attribute Value are based on what is selected in Course Attribute

Click on the drop-down caret to see location options

Select preferred location

Course Keyword:
Enter a keyword

You can click on the question icon for an example

The example will pop-up in a window

Additional Search:
The search will default to a collapsed view

Click on the arrow to expand the selection

Meet Start Time and End Time
Click on the drop-down carets to see the qualifier options

Select appropriate option for your search preference

Days of week
Click on the drop-down caret to see options

Select the appropriate option

Based on your selected option (if applicable), check the box next to the day(s) of the week that apply

Instructor Last Name
Click on the drop-down caret to see qualifier options

Select the appropriate option:
- begins with
- contains
- is exactly

Based on your selected option, enter the appropriate text in the field

Class Nbr:
Enter the class number in the designated field

You can click on the question icon for an example

The example will show in a pop-up

Minimum and Maximum Units:
Click on the drop-down carets to see the options

Select appropriate option:
- greater than
- greater than or equal to
- is exactly
- less than
- less than or equal to

Course Component:
Click the drop-down caret to see options

Select appropriate option for your search preference:

Scroll down to see full list

Click the drop-down caret to see options

Select the appropriate option for your search preference

Scroll down to see full list

Mode of Instruction:
Click the drop-down caret to see options

Select appropriate option for your search preference:
- Hybrid (In Person and Online)
- In Person
- Televised
- Web

When you are ready to see your search results, click the Search button

If you would like to clear your search criteria, click on the Clear button

Common Search Errors
You may encounter the following error when searching for classes. This error can result for a couple of reasons. Please see the steps below to conduct a error-free search.

Course Number
The Course number drop-down will default to 'is exactly'.
If you would like to leave this option, your course number will need to be exact to yield results.
- Communications 200 should be entered as Communications 200A

Course Number Drop-down
If you do not know the exact number, or would like to conduct a general search:
Step 1:
Click on the Course Number drop-down

Step 2:
Select the 'greater than or equal to' option

Step 3:
Enter a general number (class series)

Step 4:
Click the Search button (in the bottom right-hand corner)

If you receive a return of no results it is most likely due to there being no open classes available.
The Show Open Classes Only search option is selected by default.

If you unselect the checkbox, pay close attention to the status of the class, as it will indicate if the class is Open or Closed

Please see the Key section for more details
Changes to Course Delivery
Face-to-Face / Traditional
- When campus is open to instruction the class will be held on campus and instruction will occur within the classroom.
- If/when campus is closed to instruction due to public health concerns, the class will be held virtually.
Other: Virtual, Web Fully Online
- Virtual or Web Fully Online classes will be for the entire semester.
- Classes will not be held on campus even when campus opens to in-person instruction.
- Classes that are Virtual, Web Fully Online, for the entire semester can be either Asynchronous or Synchronous
There will be instructional activities in which the instructor and/or some or all of the students engage in activities that are not necessarily occurring simultaneously.
Students will not be required to be present at particular days and times. Asynchronous online classes will list “TBA” under the Days & Times.

Classes that list both patterns will include a combination of synchronous and asynchronous activities.

There will be instructional activities in which both the students and the instructor are present and engaged in the activities at the same time.
You will need to be available at the days and times listed on the class schedule for these activities.

Face-to-face / Traditional
When campus is open for in-person instruction, this class will be held at the designated day, time, and location listed. If campus is closed to instruction, virtual class sessions may be held synchronously at the times and days listed.

Virtual via Web Fully Online
Online instruction will be for the entire Fall 2020 semester

Virtual via Web Fully Online with some or all Synchronous Instruction
Instruction is virtual via web fully online for the entire semester. Any synchronous online meetings will occur during the listed days and times.