SHPNS CSU's Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors

This guide covers tips and topics related to CSU's Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors (also referred to as SHPNS).

Before you start

For successful completion of online training, it is recommended to: 

  1. Use the Chrome browser
  2. Clear your Cache and Cookies
  3. Leave your training windows open during training

Please see the Online Training Tips and Recommendations guide for additional instructions

Note: CSU's Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors (SHPNS) has a minimum time requirement of 1 hour.

Start slide of SHPNS

Taking the training

CSU's Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors course consists of two modules:

  • Module 1 Prevent Discrimination and Harassment in Employment
  • Module 2 Bystander Intervention

A module will show as 'Disabled' until you have completed the previous module.

Section slide highlighting Disabled section

Once you complete the previous module, it will update to Incomplete, allowing you access it

Section slide highlighting Incomplete section

Once you have met the required minimum time and content, you will see the following screens

End Slide

Click Close to exit the training

Close Window screen

Confirmation of Completion

You will receive an automated Completion Notification from the Titan Training Hub (TTH) formerly the Employee Training Center (ETC):

Sample Completion Notification

You can also Print your Certificate or Transcript if you would like

Need More Help?

Assignment questions:

Technical questions:

Titan Training Hub (TTH)