Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time Base (PRTB) Form
This guide will walks you through the workflow and how to fill out the Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time-Base form.

How to Fill Out the PRTB Form
Click on your role (example: Chair, Provost) to expand and see the detailed steps.
Step 1:
Login to CSUF Forms
Step 2:
Type 'PRTB' into the search bar
The Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time-Base form will populate below
Step 3:
Click on the airplane icon to launch the form
Step 4:
Enter your CWID in the CWID field and hit enter
Upon hitting Enter, the Print Name and Department fields will populate
If you are a MPP upon entering your CWID, you will see the following 'retreats right' option
If you are not an MPP, skip to Step 10
Step 5:
Read the statement
Step 6:
If this applies to you, check the box
Upon checking the box, the following fields will show below
Step 7:
Enter Department name (or partial name) in the Search Department field and hit enter
This will populate the Dept Name options
Step 8:
Click the Dept Name drop-down caret

Step 9:
Select the appropriate department

Upon selecting the department, the Dept ID field will populate

Step 10:
Indicate your Participation by clicking on the respective radio dial
Step 11:
Select the link for instructions on your preferred participation option
Once you select the Change Participation option the Change Participation section will become enabled
Step A:
Select the appropriate option from the 'FROM' section under Change Participation

Step B:
Select the appropriate option from the 'TO' section under Change Participation

Step C:
Click on the Effective: Academic Year drop-down caret

Step D:
Select the appropriate Academic Year range

Step 12:
Click the Signature and Acknowledgment tab
Step 13:
Check the checkbox to Sign the form
Upon checking the box, your Signature and the Date will populate
Step 14: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments (optional) field
Step 15:
When you are ready to submit, click on the Submit button
The page will refresh with a confirmation message
The form will next go to Academic HR for Review
Once Academic HR has reviewed the document it will come back to you for review
You will receive an email indicating there is a Pre Reduction in Time-Base Request form ready for your review
Step 16:
Click the View Form link OR
Go to CSUF Forms
under My Tasks, click the appropriate form
Step 17:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 18:
Read the Article 30/36 statement
Step 19:
Check the box to acknowledge you read the statement
Your Signature and the Date will populate once the box is checked
Step 20: (Optional)
provide comments in the Comments (optional) field
Step 21:
Click the Submit button (in the upper right-hand corner)
Step 22: (Optional)
provide comments in the Comments (Optional) field

Step 23:
Click the Confirm button

Step 24:
Click the OK button

The form will now proceed to the appropriate Chair and along the workflow path
You will receive an email indicating there is a Pre-Retirement Reduction in Timebase Request form ready for your review
Step 1:
Click the View Form link OR
Go to CSUF Forms
under My Tasks, click the appropriate form
Step 2:
Click the Proceed button

Step 3:
Review the information provided
Step 4:
Click the Signature and Acknowledgement tab

Step 5:
Review the comments (if any provided)
Step 6:
Click the Submit button (in the upper right hand corner)
Step 7: (Optional)
provide comments in the Comments (Optional) field

Step 8:
Click the Confirm button

Step 9:
Click the OK button

The form go back to the Faculty for review
The form will then proceed to Chair and Dean
You will be notified when the form is ready for your review (continue with Step 10)
You will receive an email indicating there is a Pre-Retirement Reduction in Timebase Request form ready for your review
Step 10:
Click the View Form link OR
Go to CSUF Forms
under My Tasks, click the appropriate form
Step 11:
Click the Proceed button

Step 12:
Click the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Review the information provided
Step 13:
Click on the Submit button (in the upper right-hand corner)
Step 14: (Optional)
provide a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Step 15:
Click the Confirm button

Step 16:
Click the OK button

The form will go to the VPAA / Provost
You will be notified when the form is ready for your review (continue with Step 17)
You will receive an email indicating there is a Pre-Retirement Reduction in Timebase Request form ready for your review
Step 17:
Click the View Form link OR
Go to CSUF Forms
under My Tasks, click the appropriate form
Step 18:
Click the Proceed button

Step 19:
Review the comments provided (if any)
Step 20:
Check the box to indicate that you have completed the review

Your Signature and the Date field will populate when you check the box
Step 21: (Optional)
Leave comments in the Comments (optional) field
Step 22:
Click the Submit button
Step 23: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Step 24:
Click the Confirm button

Step 25:
Click the OK button

Upon final approval the initial requestor will receive notification along with a PDF copy of the form
You will receive an email indicating there is a Pre-Retirement Reduction in Timebase Request form ready for your review
Step 1:
Click the View Form link OR
Go to CSUF Forms
under My Tasks, click the appropriate form
Step 2:
Review the information provided
Step 3:
Click the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 4:
Review the comments (if any provided)
Step 5:
Check the box to indicate you have completed the review
Your Signature and the Date will populate once you check the box
Step 6:
Indicate your decision of Recommend or Do not recommend
Step 7:
Click the Submit button (in the upper right-hand corner)
Step 8: (Optional)
provide comments in the Comments (Optional) field

Step 9:
Click the Confirm button

Step 10:
Click the OK button

You will receive an email indicating there is a Pre-Retirement Reduction in Timebase Request form ready for your review
Step 1:
Click the View Form link OR
Go to CSUF Forms
under My Tasks, click the appropriate form
Step 2:
Review the information provided
Step 3:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 4:
Review the comments (if any provided)
Step 5:
Check the box to indicate you have completed the review
Step 6:
Your Signature and the Date fields will populate when you check the box
Step 7:
Indicate your decision of Recommend or Do not recommend
Step 8: (Optional)
provide comments in the Comments (optional) field
Step 9:
Click the Submit button
Step 10: (Optional)
leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Step 11:
Click the Confirm button

Step 12:
Click the OK button

You will receive an email indicating there is a Pre-Retirement Reduction in Timebase Request form ready for your review
Step 1:
Click the View Form link OR
Go to CSUF Forms
under My Tasks, click the appropriate form
Step 2:
Click on the Proceed button

Step 3:
Review the information provided
Step 4:
Click on the Signature and Acknowledgement tab
Step 5:
Review the comments provided (if any)
Step 6:
Check the box to indicate that you have completed the review
Your Signature and the Date field will populate when you check the box
Step 7:
Indicate your decision of Recommend or Do not recommend
Step 8:
Leave comments in the Comments (optional) field
Step 9:
Click on the Submit button (in the upper right-hand corner)
Step 10: (Optional)
Leave a comment in the Comments(Optional) field

Step 11:
Click the Confirm button

Step 12:
Click the OK button

Need More Help?
For more information or questions about the process, contact Academic HR at [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].